Rick X Reader

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<Welp, looks like I found a good one.. Enjoy!>

By: riggidyxwreckedxson


It was a pretty regular day, Rick was tinkering around in his garage and of course, you were hanging out with him as always.

Even if he didn't say too much you just loved being close to him. You often watched as he tinkered around and you'd chuckle softly to yourself when you'd hear him start cursing if a certain thing didn't go his way the first time.

Today was no different. You propped yourself up against the laundry machine as you sipped on a glass of iced tea, you watched in amusement as Rick would go around the small area, rummaging through some of his old boxes on the shelves to find whatever it was he was looking for but stopped mid-stride and looked at you.

"You look bored." He cocked an eyebrow at you.

You hadn't realized that you had drifted off into your own little world, staring at the cement floor that you were standing on. You snapped out of your daze when you heard Rick's voice and looked at him with a small smile.

"I am a little bit.." you mumbled lowly.

"Then why don't you go back to your place? You know I'm not, I'm not h-holding you, prisoner, here." Rick crossed his arms over his chest.

"I know that..it's just..I want to spend time with you.. You're always so busy." You averted your gaze as a small blush crept up your face.

It was still hard to show as some would say 'cheesy' affections towards Rick in fear of what he would say.

"Is that right?" You heard him say.

You still made no attempt to look over at him.

You heard some shuffling and soon after you felt Rick's hand on your face. You jumped a little from surprise and looked up at him as he ran his thumb across your cheek.

"Well, I better entertain you then.." Your heart rate picked up at those words and you were finding it difficult to form words of your own.

Although, not much could be said because he leaned in and kissed your lips softly.
You had to admit you were taken back by the sudden action, it wasn't like Rick to initiate kissing.

You weren't about to ask him why though because you didn't want it to stop. You let out a very small yelp when you felt him grip your legs just under your butt and lift you so you were now sitting on top of the laundry machine.

Your arms slung over his shoulders before you tilted your head, trying to deepen the kiss.

You let out a small soft groan when you felt Rick slip his tongue into your mouth pushing it against your own. You felt his hands on your hips and he was pushing you back a little more onto the laundry machine.

Your leg instantly spread apart so that Rick would be more comfortable.

This was risky, very risky. Usually, when this sort of thing happened it happened in the comfort of your own home. Out of sight and there for out of mind of others but it happened so suddenly you really didn't want it to stop at all. Your brain was slowly forgetting where exactly you were right now.

Rick moved to kiss down to your neck and that's when you heard it.

The loud horrified shriek coming from the other side of the garage.

Your body froze as you stared wide eyed. Rick forgot to close the garage door and there, standing in the opening was none other than Rick's grandson Morty.

You tried to shrink yourself behind Rick's form to hide from the younger boy, your face flared up into a bright shade of pink.

"It's called knocking." Rick looked over his shoulder, rolling his eyes before a very playful smirk adorned his features.

"K-K-Knocking!? K-Knocking!!? Are you freaking kidding me Rick!! The-The-The garage door is wide open for, for everyone to see you both!! Is, Is that our neighbor!? Jeez, Rick, this is messed up!!" Morty yelled horrified.

"W-Wait... We can explain.." You stuttered out as you pushed Rick off of you so that you could get off of the laundry machine.

"E-Explain what!? H-How-How-How Rick had his tongue jammed down y-y-your throat!?" Morty grimaced at the thought and shut his eyes.

"N-Nevermind! I don't want to picture it! Gross!" Morty blindly started to bump into things as he tried to make his way to the back to get through the door.

"Better hurry up Morty- I wasn't finished with her." Rick grinned wickedly and you gave him a small smack to his shoulder.

"D-Don't tell me, Rick! Jeez! Ugh.. I need bleach for my eyes!!" Morty finally felt his way to the door and twisted the knob open.

"Y-You're lucky I d-don't tell mom!"
you covered your face with your hands in complete embarrassment.

You wouldn't be visiting the Smith/Sanchez house for quite awhile now.


Ahh! Finally! An update! Imma right?
Sorry for the long wait.. Here.. Some SFW-ish fanfic by riggidyxwreckedxson. Check em out.

Anyway, the next one is prolly a NSFW so watch out for that. But I hoped you enjoyed this.. Love you llamas!

(And thanks to SlyHarley21 for actually encouraging me to search top to bottom on tumblr, love you babe!)

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