The Surprise

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By:stacyTHEemo on Ao3
Warning: It's a surprise (͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


"Uh, so Rick... what's the occasion?" you asked. Very rarely were you invited on Rick's space adventures. You had a very specific relationship... you both used each other for your sick fantasies. You had a thing for gruff older men and he liked watching young women unravel at his touch.

He didn't answer your question. He simply smirked at you and took another sip from his flask. "Are we going on an adventure? Need some weird crystals or something?"

"Stop worrying your little brain over it, okay? We're almost there..." he said. You could make out a cluster of planets in the distance. Whatever he had in store, it had you on edge. You were fairly sure he wouldn't bring you out all this way to hurt you or dump you on some random planet. Rick was bad, but not to that degree. You weren't sure if you could even handle an adventure... a couple times he had taken you out in his spaceship, but only to off-planet hotels so you two could do your business in private. And this was farther than any of the hotels he had taken you to.

It soon became clear which planet he had been looking for and he prepared the ship for landing. The building that he landed in front of was huge and black with no windows anywhere. Only a giant neon sign appeared above the doors and the language was foreign to you.

"Come ON, Rick! What are you up to?" you questioned.

"Re- UUGGH. Really don't like surprises, do ya?"

"Not the extraterrestrial kind... those kind I kinda like to be clued in on."

"Well, I'll tell ya this much," he said, but not before finishing off the contents of his flask. "You're not ready for what's about to go down in there... but it's gonna blow your fucking mind," he said, turning off his spaceship and getting out.

You sat in the ship a moment longer, staring up at the large, dark building. This wasn't like anything Rick had done with you before...

When Rick slammed his hand against the hood of the ship, you jolted back to reality. "Hey! This'll be worth your while, I promise... now, hurry up and get out here before I change my mind."

You hurried out of the ship and followed him into the building. When you entered, you were surprised to find a well lit, reception area. A single alien sat behind a panel of glass.

"Hey, Rick Sanchez," Rick said, approaching the window. The alien made some sort of garbled noise, then began fumbling with things on its side of the window. It handed Rick a little bag and a key. "Thanks," he said, then turned to you, twirling the key around his finger. Rick quickly found the room the key went to and opened it unceremoniously. You followed him in to find a huge room, bigger than most master suites. The only furniture in the whole room though was a large bed and two nightstands in the far corner. There was also a rather large door which must've led to what you could only assume was a bathroom.

"Welp, time to get started?" Rick asked, pulling two bottles out of the small bag the receptionist had given him.

"Now are you gonna tell me? This all seems pretty fishy... and isn't this room is a bit much?"

"Drink, and I'll explain," Rick mused, offering one of the bottles to you. Looking closely at it, you could tell it was different from his. The alien writing on it though still gave nothing away.

"Fine..." you replied, taking the bottle in your hand and unscrewing the cap. Rick did the same, and clinked his bottle up against yours.

"Cheers," he sneered, lifting the liquid to his lips. You did the same, chugging it down quickly. It was relatively tasteless and you wondered if his was the same. "Right, so I guess I should come clean. Remember when you asked me to look at your laptop?"

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