•| Chapter 22 |•

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~Author's pov~


"Y/n?! Y/n-chan?! Can you hear me?!" Shouto's voice ran through y/n's brain causing her to groan at the disturbance and also because of the pain in her head. She forced her eyes open only to witness Shouto staring back at her. "Oh thank god! Your okay!" He said with gratefulness sparkling in his mix matched eyes as he embraced y/n lightly.

Y/n held her head, studying her surroundings. She was in her anime themed room as the memories from before flooded her brain. Realization hit her like a ton of bricks. "Onii-chan.." She whispered as tears filled her eyes. She covered her mouth to prevent any sobs from escaping but Shouto noticed it all too soon.

"Y/n-chan? What is it? Why are you crying?" His worried expression returned as y/n looked into his eyes. "My b-brother... He's d-dead.." She whispered miserably as Shouto eyes widened and embraced her again. "Oh y/n-chan.. It's alright... Don't worry.. I'm sure he's in a good place...." he whispered while trying to comfort the shook girl.

She sobbed uncontrollably in his chest as the pain of losing a family spread from her heart to her whole body. It was unbearable indeed. She kept on whispering the word no which broke shouto's heart to see his girlfriend in this state. The only person who could understand what y/n was going through well enough was Shouto, because his own mother was separated from him at a very young age. Although she was alive and well at the moment but in the past, to him it was just like losing his mother.

Y/n's sobs quieted down a bit as Shouto took the chance and spoke up "you know y/n-chan, I understand your pain, I really do, and I know it's unbearable, heck I was in a more worse condition, but all you have to do is believe that they will be there, there for you, watching you and guiding you, every step you take will be news to them and they will always be there to witness it, and then they will wait for you until you all can be together, but right now you have to focus on the gifts that you have in this world rather than pay attention to those that have been taken back. And after that you all can be together soon. It's all right to cry but don't think about it too much that'll help you get over it, and getting over it will help you enjoy the life that you have right now" he finished while smiling a bit.

Y/n listen to every word he said as her heart swirled with different emotions. Sadness? Depression? Heartbreak? Anger? All of them were present. But she knew one emotion the best, happiness. Happy because Shouto was by her side, happy because now her brother was in a better place, happy because she had a lot of friends ready to support her, happy because she was becoming a better person.

She smiled a bit wiping her tears as she detached herself from Shouto. "Thank You shouto... Really thank you I don't know what I'd do without you..." She said staring lovingly into her boyfriend's eyes as his heart me as he melted with affection and love for the girl. He leaned I towards so that their foreheads were touching, "I love you L/n Y/n" he whispered and placed his lips upon his girlfriends'.

~the next morning~

"So class we will be having a student exchange program.." Aizawa-sensei's voice drifted of in y/n's ears as the thoughts of yesterday closed her mind. She was still depressed over her brother's death but Shouto's words made her realize that there was no use by dwelling, the only thing she could do was to get over it.

She signed playing with her hair as Aizawa-sensei handed out the sheets for reconditions made by some pro heroes. She wondered on who Shouto was going to choose. All suddenly the kiss from yesterday entered her mind as her cheeks grew hot. Oh how Shouto lovingly moved his lips against hers... How gentle he was being... How soft his lips were... How sweet they tasted..-

Y/n shook her head lightly getting rid of some more extreme thoughts. Little did she know her boyfriend was also thinking about the same topic, but instead of getting rid of inappropriate thoughts he let them indulge him carelessly causing him to get turned on and wanting to be satisfied.

He put his hands in his pockets in order to shift his pants around but it was no use. It was nothing like the kiss before that they shared, it was more emotional, more passionate, more truthful. And the couple couldn't get it out of their head.

Y/n signed as she was handed her paper of choices of pro heroes. She skimmed through it, her eyes landed on the name endeavor. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, scrunching up the paper a bit, to suppress her anger. "Bastard..." She muttered to herself and ruffled her own hair. "Moving on..." She said as her eyes landed on best jeanist. "Meh... This could be fine..." She shrugged to herself and ticked best jeanist's name. She brought the paper up to Aizawa-sensei's desk and placed it on its designated spot.

~time skip~

It was midnight-sensei's class and everyone was choosing their superhero names. Y/n looked boredly infront of the class as everyone announced their names.

"King explosion murder!" 'Well it does suite him'

"Deku!" 'Cute'

"Crimson riot" 'oh...k'

"Uravity!" 'Awwe my precious angel'

"Shouto.." 'Wa...ow'

Y/n snickered at shouto's name causing him to turn towards to his girlfriend. He smiled softly which surprised the whole class and sat back down on his seat. He loved seeing his girlfriend smile even if it was meant to be for making fun of him. He was happy that he was capable of doing so.

So on enough it was y/n's turn as he went to the front. All her classmates' eyes trailed her as she smiled about and proudly announced her superhero name.


A/n: yo! I changed the name... again lmao. I changed it cuz when I did like more research on the name "morai" it actually meant parts or individuals. It was a group of goddesses who controlled fate and each goddess had her own individual name. @short-but-tall thanks for the awesome suggestion but I'll just stick with this one. Although u guys canchange the name to whichever one u want. The options r endless and with that being said peace ✌️!!

s t a l k e r  🥀  {Todoroki shouto x reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora