•| Chapter 27 |•

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~y/n's pov~

I opened my eyes, squinting them a little to adjust to the light. It was bright, too bright for my liking. As I did, I studied my surroundings and it was somewhere I've never been, with a light shining right into my mix matched orbs. I shifted around only to figure out that I had been tied to a chair. I pulled on the ropes and they didn't seem to budge. This is going to be tiresome.

I signed activating my quirk making my hair went completely white and so did my eyes. Then suddenly they reverted to their original state without doing anything leaving me in a confused and shocked state. What the hell? I activated my other one, and the result was same as the first. Whoever captured me must know their shit.

"Hello? Listen if your there, I would appreciate you letting me out of  these things and then maybe we could talk?" I said.

I could hear chuckling in the background but because of the light shining into my eyes I couldn't see anything or anyone. I tried to recognize that voice but strangely I couldn't remember anything that happened or who it might be.

"Who are you?" I gulped.

Suddenly the light was removed from in front of my eyes and my eyes adjusted their sight once again but this time, it was towards darkness. As they did, they widened at who was standing I front of me.

It was...


He was smiling devilishly at me with a glint of mischievousness is his eyes. "What the hell Shinsou?! What do you think your doing?!" I shot at him as he was a taken back from my outburst. He seemed kinda shocked and confused as well but then his expression changed into a neutral one.

"Must have been a weak sedative" he uttered to himself but it was loud enough for me to hear. "What do you mean?!" I screeched at him as he gave me a warm smile. "Nothing for you to worry about princess"

I irked and eye brow at the word 'princess'.

He took a seat in front of me, his smiled giving me the creeps. "I'm pretty sure you have a lot of questions" he started as I rolled my eyes at him. Yea no shit Sherlock. "I'll answer them all, so go ahead, ask away" he said leaning back into his seat comfortably.

"How do I know you won't use your quirk on me?" I asked suspiciously, knowing it was stupid to ask that question in the first place but I had to know first. "If I wanted to I would have" he said smugly as I nodded. "Fair enough"

"Are you the stalker?"

"Depends" he shrugged. That was enough for me to believe he was. Huh who would have thought and I assumed I would be more surprised but to be honest this shit doesn't bother me anymore because I'm used to it anyway. He's dangerous though and I have to be careful.

"Why am I here?"

"Because from here on out I own you and you only belong to me" he said a chilly aura lacing his words as he bore into my distant eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him, about to oppose but I decided to ignore it for the meantime.

"Did we know each other before UA?"

s t a l k e r  🥀  {Todoroki shouto x reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant