•| Chapter 16 |•

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~author's pov~

Y/n and Shouto strolled down the streets of Tokyo, hands held in eachother's palms. Shouto had a ghost of smile upon his face while y/n being the shy girl she was, was beet red.

They stopped infront of a small cozy looking cafe. "We're here" Shouto announced as y/n nodded walking in. She glimpsed at the cafe, feeling a bit happy inside because of its comfortable atmosphere.

She smiled a bit looking around. "Todoroki-kun... How did you find this place it's amazing..." She breathed out. The male shrugged as he put his arm around the girl's waist. "Always the best for my favorite girl" he said and y/n was back to being a beet root.

The both seated them selves on a table as a waiter came to take their order. "What do you want sweetie?" Shouto alsed lovingly to his girlfriend. Y/n blushed at the nickname as she looked down to her hands which were resting on her lap.

"I'll just have a sandwich.." She muttered shyly as the waiter nodded. Shouto soon gave his order and the waiter walked away. "Why a sandwich? Are you on a diet?" Shouto asked y/n as she looked up to him.

She nodded shyly as Shouto signed. "You don't need diets babe your perfect just the way you are." He said smiling. Y/n blushed once again feeling warm inside because if his compliment. "You really think so?" She squeaked.

"Oh I know so" Shouto smirked seeing his girlfriend's cute face as his smile widened. "Thanks todoroki-kun!" She beamed. Todoroki's compliment had officially made y/n's day.

"Oh please sweetie, call me Shouto, that sounds way too formal" he said. "But your supposed to be the formal one!" Y/n whined cutely as shouto's heart melted.

"I'm sure I don't need to be formal with you. I can be myself with you..right?" He asked smiling as y/n cheekily nodded. Her cuteness was literally killing shouto's heart.

"U-umm todo- Shouto-kun...?" Y/n squeaked out as Shouto hummed I'm response. "I-I know this is kinda personal.... But I thought you only wanted to fake date me..." Y/n muttered looking down once again.

"Oh I am" Shouto said a bit too harshly. Y/n's heart shattered into a million pieces as her eyes widened. She felt tears reach her eyes as she abruptly stood up. The sudden carnage of events was too much for her and now she needed time to think. "I need to go to the bathroom.." She muttered, racing her way towards the restroom, leaving Shouto confused.

~y/n's pov~

It hurts so much. I know he's lying...but it still hurts. I do like him a lot, but those words are just too believable. I caught my breath, gripping the sink hard enough to break off a piece of concrete. I looked up at the mirror, tears streaming down my face.

I need to calm down

I told myself repeating 'it's not true' again and again inside my head. What are you doing to me shouto?

~time skip~

Shouto soon walked me home and now was long gone. We didn't talk much after my emotional breakdown but I still enjoyed our date. It was my first date after all.

I signed laying down on my bed, scrolling through my insta and suddenly a 'bing' went off on my phone. I checked my messages and it was an unknown number aka. Todoroki Shouto.

11:25 pm

I saw u with Shouto today...
Now he's in trouble....


What a jerk. Lying about his own identity. But I fell for that jerk. And now I'm stuck in this situation. I don't like following my heart. That bitch gives bad directions. But now.... I have no choice.

I think I should tell him that I know who he is...

I nodded my head in determination as I clicked call on his number. The other person soon picked up as I breathed out in nervousness. "What!?" A voice snapped on the other line. Wow didn't expect him to be this rude...

The voice was a bit distorted so couldn't make out if it was shouto. "Hey.. Shouto-kun..." I said as the voice on the other line hummed in response. "I-I just want to tell you... That I-I know your the stalker.... But it's f-fine though! I'll accept y-you for who y-you are.." I finished my small speech as I breathed our a sign of relief.

It was like being a weight lifted off my shoulders. Suddenly he hung up. Just like that. I stared at my phone in utter shock. "Why da hell?" I asked myself and lied down on my bed.

"Whatever... At least I told him. He must be shocked" I muttered to myself and smiled a bit knowing that this whole situation was now solved and me and Shouto can just be a normal couple. We can just talk later.

~???'s pov~

I stared at my phone in utter disbelief. HOW CAN THAT BASTARD STEAL MY GIRL?! SHE ALL MINE!

I'm so angry right now that I can turn this world upside down but I have to control my self. Y/n's mine. All mine. I won't let him have her. I have to do something....

Calm down...

I guess I'll just have to kill him like I should kill that useless piece of shit. Even that motherfucker Akio wasn't of much have help. I swear, keeping his boyfriend hostage was so hard. I just wanted to kill that bitch but I had to control my temper for y/n.

I walked away from her apartment going back to my house and slamming the door shut. "If she ain't gonna be mine willingly. I'll force her to love me" I said to myself and insane smile etching on my face.

~y/n's pov~

I groaned waking up to the sound of my phone ringing. I checked the time. 4 fucking am. WHO DAFUQ CALLS AT 4AM. I groaned once again putting my phone beside my ear.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Hey y/n, it's Akio. Listen I wanna tell you something" he said "can't you fucking wait till the moring?" I asked annoyingly as he signed. "Listen y/n I don't have much time. Please hear me out, or else he will see me" he said as I hummed in response not bothering to ask who 'he' is. Probably some enemy of his.

"Todoroki's not your stalker. I lied"

A/n: Hey,,,, haha, got u. I just want to tell u that I've edited the previous chapter so shouto's nawt ur stalker anymore. It's smone else's. And I ain't tellin mate. You'll have to read it again. Plot change ppl, Sorry. And thanku so muchhhh for 5k. Love ya guys. Byee 💕!

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