•| Chapter 17 |•

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~y/n's pov~

"What?!" I screeched as my brother signed. I felt my whole world crashing down."Listen y/n, I know your confused and have a ton of questions for me but unfortunately I can't answer them right now. Sorry imouto but I gotta go. Remember not to freak out. I'll explain everything later. Bye!" "Wai-!"


I gritted my teeth in frustration as I threw my phone on the bed. I was beyond angry. First telling me he lied and then hanging up on me like that. But for the most part it hurt. Knowing that todoroki's non-existent feelings were fake and he doesn't like me back. So he was actually faking it.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I tugged on my hair. I don't know who to trust anymore. I just want to get away from it all. All of this bullshit. Fate always hated me. Even if it's my own quirk, it'll always plan something bad for me.

And that was the time I made a decision that I didn't even dare to think about. I was about to use my quirk on myself.

Black and grey sparks emitted through my palm. Black and grey huh? God must really hate me to have given me such fate. Well that's about to change. I smirked evilly to myself.

A tiny voice was yelling in the back of my head "don't do it!" But I didn't pay any mind to it, I'm tired of this shit. My bloodlust was taking over me, there was nothing that could stop me right now. I took a deep breath and started up my quirk.


The Sparks got bigger.


They started to surround me


All I saw was white. And then I blacked out by my own dizziness.

~time skip + author's pov~

Y/n sat up on her bed, holding her head in the process. As she opened her eyes, there was no light anymore. The brightness of her eyes was gone. All that left was empty lifeless eyes.

"I feel weird" she muttered to herself rubbing her arms. "I feel so.... Numb..." She muttered once again standing up and getting ready for school. She walked out of her apartment, out to the streets and taking the bus to school.

When she arrived to school all she could hear was chatter. Happiness and cheerfulness. It made her annoyed and mad. How can all of them be happy when she's the only one suffering. She gritted her teeth, walking to school, trying to ignore the smiles on her fellow students' faces.

She walked into her class and seated herself on her seat. As she plugged in her earphones, an arm slung around her shoulders. "Hey, how are you?" Shouto said sweetly with a small smile. Y/n tched in annoyance but in all honesty she was shocked.

Whenever she saw Shouto her heart jumped. She became happy by anything he did and she was mostly nervous around him. But now all she felt was emptiness. She had lost everything precious to her in the sense of happiness, and now nothing could hurt her.

That's how her fate changed. She became empty, just like before she started school.

'Ahh so that's how it is, if these shits never came into my life, I would never have been hurt, I can't let that happen again' "get lost" she muttered to Shouto as his eyes widened.

"What happened? Why are you acting like your so annoyed by me?" He said not removing his arm pissing y/n off to the core. "Does it look like I'm acting? I am annoyed by you, now fuck off" she said a frown etching on her face as Shouto removed his arm. "Fine then if you wanna act like a brat be my guest" he said coldly and walked away.

'That's his true identity, two faced bastard' y/n smirked on her own progress, but there was a sting in her heart, but being the stubborn girl she is, she shrugged it off.

Class went on as usual. Then it was time for lunch. Y/n sat alone, not wanting to communicate with anyone at the moment but much to her dismay Shouto came along as he sat beside her.

Y/n ignored him until he spoke up. "I'm sorry if I did something wrong. But can you please tell me why are you so worked up today?" He asked, his tone soft. "It's not your fault so don't apologize and I'm breaking up this non-existent relationship or whatever we had." Y/n said looking directly at Shouto lifelessly.

Shouto's eyes widened at her statement but mostly on her eyes. They were dead. All he could wonder is what happened to her. "But why...?" He asked softly.

"It was fake so you shouldn't care anyways" y/n replied turning back to her lunch. "I asked why y/n-San" Shouto said sternly as y/n's fist clenched around her chopsticks. "I said. It doesn't matter" she said through gritted teeth hiding her annoyed face behind her hair.

"Tch. Come with me" Shouto said grabbing y/n's hand and racing with her our of the lunch room before y/n could react. Some eyes trailed him confusingly but one certain pair glared at shouto's back with jealousy and anger.

Shouto stopped near the back of the school. No matter how much y/n struggled shouto's grip was too strong. She thought about using her quirk on him but she was too drained too. She didn't get much sleep plus she had already used her quirk on herself.

"Todoroki-kun stop!" She yelled as Shouto halted and pinned her on the wall trapping her between her arms. Y/n didn't blush like she usually did, her eyes just stared back at shouto's multi colored ones with anger and emptiness.

"What?" She said as he signed. "Listen. I don't know what your mad at and I'm not playing the good guy anymore. Tell me why you are acting like this" he ordered.

"Why do you care. You never did anyway" y/n spat back at his face as he gritted his teeth. "I do care! I care if you have a stalker! I care if your hurt! I care if your being a brat! I always did" he yelled as y/n seemed shocked. Shouto never yelled.

"Just leave me alone. I don't want you to care anymore" y/n muttered looking down. "I will care for you no matter what. Thats not gonna happen y/n" he said as y/n bit her lip.

"You wanna know why right? If I tell you would you leave me alone?" She looked up hopefully as Shouto seemed thoughtful at her request.  He finally gave in. "Okay. Deal, but as long as you'll be fine"

"Deal and I'll be fine, the reason I'm like this is because...... I used my quirk on myself..." She said looking straight at Shouto in the eye. Shouto gasped a bit. "But... Who's fate did you trade for yours? I mean that's how your quirk works right?" Y/n shook her head.

"I can make up fates for anyone. Even myself. But it's hard work to maintain it so I'll eventually have to suck up someone's good luck for it." Y/n shrugged.

"That's something..... A villain would do.." Shouto was beyond shocked. Y/n remained unfazed. "I don't care. I don't think I want to be a hero anymore anyways. Every man is made different from each other (lol get da reference? :3) now I know why villains are villains in the first place, because their fate is worst than anyone they meet." Y/n stated.

"I can't believe it" Shouto looked down chuckling. "I can't believe it that I fell for a future villain"

A/n: yoooo! How r yall? I'm sorry for le late update as usual -_-. Lol actually my exams r coming up so I won't be able to update for like three weeks. Sorry peeps. I'll miss u guys ToT . But like still I'll be back! So wait for me! I hope u will :3  . Ik I made y/n like a villain but like patience girlies she ain't gonna be bad. More like badass. Haha lol. Anyways byee! Thanku for reading my crappy shit.

s t a l k e r  🥀  {Todoroki shouto x reader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu