chapter 6

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So I walked back to my room to put on pink flats and walked downstairs that's where I saw Jimin and Jungkook. I smiled happily

"Morning Kookie and Jiminie oppa," I said smiling well walking over.

"Morning Miley," Jimin said smiling back I hugged jungkook as he didn't answer me. He immediately hugged back.

"What's for breakfast? I am hungry!~" I said

"It's your choice today," Jin hyung said as he pooped out behind a door

"Yay! I want chocolate waffles with fruit salad" I said trying to be simple

They were all smiling. I spun around happily. Tae soon came down and I smiled and hugged him. I liked it here, in the beginning, too wasn't pleasant. But I would have to go at some point. Then Breakfast was ready we all ate. Suddenly there was a very loud knock.

"I will get it," Yoongi said standing up To go answer the door. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin took me to the library. I saw so many books. How big is this house! It's epic they have a big library. So I took some books off the shelf. I started to read Jimin and Taehyung besides me. Well, Jungkook sat on the other side of the table. We all talked well I was reading a book. Soon someone walked in.

"Miley me and your mother paid we will take you home." I heard my father say

"No, I like it here with them! I don't want to leave my friends." I said

Then my father walked up to me but Kookie stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked

"Taking my daughter back!"

"She said she doesn't want to go it's not your choice she's 19 and moved out!" Jungkook said

"Fine but She needs to have freedom." He said strictly.

"Yes we understand," Jungkook said and With that, he left I smiled.

"YAY I GET TO STAY WITH MY FRIENDS!" I yelled happily They giggle at my cuteness.

We go back to everyone else and I ended up jumping on to Jungkooks back. I smiled. Taehyung seemed really happy at my choice.

"Can we go out to eat tonight?" I asked

"Yeah!" Everyone besides yoongi said as he was asleep. So I went to my room to change into warm clothes.

I wore black leggings with a black shirt and black leather jacket with wake up with an updo. With that, I went back downstairs everyone looked at me. Their faces looked like they have seen a ghost including yoongi.

"What's with the looks?" I asked

"You look really badass," They all said

"Yeah yeah. I do know how to fight." I said they all were stunned.

"Well, should we get going?" I asked They nodded and we left. We were walking Jin in the front. I was next to jungkook jimin and taehyung yoongi somewhere in the back. We are heading to a BBQ in Seoul which wasn't far. Well, we were walking I took pictures. Taehyung wanting to be in all of them I had only said he could be in one since I wanted it to be of nature. When we got there Jimin and Jin ordered from the kids' menu. 

(I won't be able to post often the sense of school but I am managing it and I have 6 chapters so far the 7th will be out soon!)

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