Chapter 20--A New Alpha

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Hey guys! I just want to thank everyone who's reading this for sticking with me and supporting me by reading my hot mess of a book! I'm having so much fun writing it and to be honest, this book will only be 10-15 more chapters. It's short and sweet the way I see it haha! Anyways, as always, enjoy and keep writing!!

I made eggs and yogurt for breakfast the next morning and ate alone as Bell and Ally were still sleeping. Bell decided that we would have off on Saturdays when it came to our training. She said it was because everyone needed an off day, but I thought that maybe she needed a day off from our awful fighting. I still haven't landed a good punch on her and Ally can barely defend herself. We were a sorry excuse for fighters, but at least I knew we would get better because we had the best teacher there was in these parts.

I was thinking about my next fight with her until she came upstairs groaning. "My head hurts so bad."

I chuckled, "Yeah, I'd think so after what you went through."

She sadly smiled at me, "Thanks for that by the way."

I nodded, "Mhm, anytime Bell."

She grabbed an apple and sat across from me, "So, is he really gone?"

I tried to act casual, "Yeah, I mean, I told him to get lost."

She breathed out a relieved breath, but that only lasted for a second, "Wait, Oli. We don't have an alpha anymore. The pack is going to be thrown into absolute chaos!"

I stopped eating. I didn't even think of that. I totally forgot that he was the leader and that the pack would need a new one. I gulped and looked at her, "Congratulations?"

She went pale, 'Nope. Absolutely not! I'm not going to be the alpha, I'm hated enough for being a beta okay?"

I groaned, "Well I can't be alpha! I can't even fight, let alone run an entire pack. I just learned that I was a werewolf like, a month ago!"

There was a quiet before Bell died laughing. She literally fell out of her chair. I grumpily asked her, "What's so funny Bellona?" I only used full names when I was trying to be serious. Heck, this was serious and she was there laughing.

She got up with tears in her eyes as she used the chair for support to keep her standing. Between laughs she said, "You thought you were human?" She laughed again, "Seriously? You're a lycan! How could you possibly not notice your strength and senses?"

I crossed my arms and my face went red, "I-I thought I had powers okay?"

She laughed again and I got slightly irritated. "It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's-it's" She laughed and I rolled my eyes as she finished, "it's Oliver! With superpowers!"

I growled a little and she kept on teasing. I couldn't say that it wasn't funny though. If you thought about it, it was kind of funny. I ignored that logical reasoning and kept on with being grumpy, "Look, I can't be alpha, there's probably a lot that I don't know. You'd be a great alpha Bell."

She calmed down a bit, "Oliver, you don't really have a choice. After living in that pack for 17 years, I can tell you that you'd be better than any of the guys there. They all have cruel sides to them as the alpha did. You're different. You are kind and caring but stern and protective. That's what an alpha is supposed to be."

I blushed, "I hate this."

She shrugged, "Welp, you're the one who ousted the alpha so it makes sense to take his place as well."

"Yeah, I guess." I knew she was right. I got up to walk away and as I went past her she stopped me, "Lesson one of being a werewolf: You can't separate mates. Normally, once they find each other, they move in together and fully form the bond. No matter how hard you try to keep him away, she will still want him, need him, and go back to him." After that, she left me standing there thinking about what the heck I was going to do.

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