Chapter 1-Witches and Basketball

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Welcome back Writers/lovely readers! This chapter was kinda fun to write, but I'm warning you about swearing and stuff now lol. I hope you like this though. You'll see Oliver's flaws in this chapter as well as his joking side. I'll leave you to it!!

I woke up to a sharp pain in the left side of my ribs every time I took a breath in, so I laid on my bed for a while taking deep breaths in and out. That basketball game was a killer. The rival team should've been called on so many fouls that I couldn't help but wonder if the referees were paid off or something. After getting used to the pain I sat up and checked my phone. I had 3 new messages from my mom, a snapchat from Katherine(who's pants I'm trying to get into) and a missed phone call sister's doctor? He called me in the middle of the night so it must've been important. I called back immediately but it went straight to voicemail. I sighed and cleared my throat, "Hey, uh, this is Oliver and I saw that you called so I wanted to make sure she was okay you know? I guess you're busy though, so call me back when you get this. Bye." My voice was still croaky from waking up and I cringed when I thought of how I sounded. Not many people knew much about my sister or that she even existed. It wasn't something I liked to talk about with people because it tended to scare them away. Yeah, my sister's a crazy person locked up in a looney bin, I thought and shook my head. My mother couldn't even be bothered to put her phone number down as a contact in case the doctor wanted to talk to us. She said it was because it was a work phone and she could get in trouble, but it was clear that she didn't accept Allison, her daughter. I threw my phone back on my bed after setting up a dinner with Katherine and got up to grab breakfast that consisted of a banana and a protein bar with a bottle of blue gatorade. I went back upstairs to get ready for practice and right after, college.

As I finished breakfast and headed to my bathroom, I could hear my mother waking up. I booked it into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. After our fight last night, I wanted to get as far from her as possible. I guess this was our normal though. We fought, then we ignore each other for a day or two until the air in the house is so still that my father forced us to make up. It's never really making up though, it was a half-ass agreement to not kill each other for my father's sake. I quickly hopped into my cold shower to soothe my aching limbs. I could hear the stern whispers coming from my father downstairs so I shut the water off to listen in. "Martha, you need to get over yourself and go to our son! Don't you see you hurt him? Last night was a new low for you, I mean honestly. You called him a fucking idiot because he still cares about Ally? Some of us still care about her."

My ice cold mother replied, "Greg, she's a lost cause. We will never get Allison back. Ever. Besides, if you wanna give a speech about being hurtful, think about what happened last year and then try to tell me how low I've gotten."

My father sighed in disgust, "You said you moved on. Hell, I moved on! You know I've changed." There was a pause. "I guess you have too. A lot happens in a year, huh?" I heard him walking away.

I shook my head and grabbed a towel to wrap around my slender body. I may have looked skinny, but I was actually really muscular. I looked in the mirror in my room and flexed my glorious arms, flashing my million-dollar smile that caused so many girls to blush like crazy. Checking my clock, I realized I only had 5 minutes before I had to leave for practice. I throw on a white T-Shirt, black joggers and my Nikes. After I threw my deodorant and a change of clothes in my bag, I rushed out the door at 6:15.

The boys were in the gym locker room when I arrived, "Hey boys!"

Ricky, Jake, and Benny all greeted me with hey's and slaps on the back.

Ricky immediately pressed, "Oli, you butt dialed me yesterday and I heard the yelling. You good?"

My breath caught, the boys didn't know anything about my family and how dysfunctional it was. "No, yeah, it's all good. My Mom was just freaking out about shit at work and it got on my nerves. We got a little loud, but we're fine." I was really hoping he didn't listen to closely to what we we saying.

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