Chapter 17--Bellona

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Okay, so if I'm being honest, this is a filler. However Bellona(Bell) does become an important person in Oliver's life and in that way, it's not a filler. At this point I think I'm gonna do maybe one or two more chapters of them getting settled to this new town and then I'll start to bring it in for some plot development. Anywayyyys, enjoy guys! :D

"Oliver you're kidding. Tomorrow is Friday!" She wanted to wait to go until Monday, but I needed to use tomorrow to go out and explore the town and get a feel for what it was like. I wanted to know why there were so many wolves and if there was an alpha.

I scowled at her, "Ally, you need an education. Unlike me, you won't live forever so imperative that you do this. Besides, you need to make some friends."

She crossed her arms, "No one's going to want to be friends with me Oli. I'm just that one crazy girl."

"Not here. No one knows you here, remember? Take comfort in the fact that you get to start over."

She groaned threw her head in her hands. I continued, "Also remember that most of the kids at your school will probably be werewolves so they have better senses. Watch what you say and do, okay?" I sniffed the air, "Also, a shower wouldn't hurt." I laughed as she hit me.

"That's you wolf boy, but remember, I have better senses too. I can also see the future and heal stuff and I have night vision, and I have wings, and--"

I cut her off, "Okay! We get it! You're better than all of those werewolves combined."

"Mhm. I know." She got up and we went downstairs for dinner. I made stuffed bell peppers out of the stuff that was there and we ate while teasing each other. After dinner, I went to bed because I knew I'd need all of my strength in case the alpha didn't like me on his territory. Duncan told me alphas were always extra territorial about everything. I laughed at the thought of having to fight without any experience except for chasing down frightened humans.

The next day, I woke up to Ally's music blasting throughout the house. I groaned and walked over to her room in nothing but my boxers. I pounded open the door and heard her squeal. She just had a towel on. I growled at the speaker on her dresser near the door and I turned it off. She just watched in horror. I couldn't blame her. Her brother barged in while she was naked, plus I had only boxers on. I didn't care though, she woke me up too early. It was only 6:45 and I didn't have my alarm set until 7:30. I went back to my room, but I was already up. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep again so I got up and threw on some jeans and a hoodie. I wasn't trying to impress anyone and I just wanted to blend in. I went downstairs to make some apple cinnamon oatmeal. Much to my dismay, she put her music back on. I groaned and continued down the stairs. While she wasted time up there, I diced up the apples and sauteed them with butter and cinnamon. While they were softening, I put some milk in another pan and brought it to a boil. By the time I had added the oats to the milk and cooked them, the apples were done so I threw them in there too and added sugar. Just as it was finished, Ally came down in light skinny jeans, a back top and a bomber jacket.

"Don't ever do that again Oliver. You scared the living hell out of me."

I was kind of embarrassed of myself for doing that, but I didn't show it. I just shrugged, "Well, don't ever put your music that loud again. You woke me up 45 minutes early."

She grimly laughed, "The volume was on 10. According to any human, it was too quiet."

I interrupted, "We aren't human."

"I can turn my hearing off and on. If I want to hear something better, I just have to focus on it. Can't you do that?"

I served our oatmeal, "Yeah, but not when I'm sleeping."

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