Chapter 18--Takeover

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Okay, there has been a change my doodes! Layla's name has been changed. Honestly, I just wasn't happy with it and I wanted her name to have a stronger feel to it so I renamed her Bellona. It literally means warrior and it screams Viking to me which is something I like. Her nickname is Bell though and I'll be changing chapter 17 soon. Thanks, and enjoy! :D

Dinner was takeout pizza for them and two pints of cop blood for me. It tasted like crap compared to the fairy blood I'd tasted at Duncan's. I cursed at him for hooking me on it. I didn't fail to notice that it made Bell a little uncomfortable. However, her and Ally got along quite well and I appreciated Bell for that almost as much as her willingness to train us. Bellona had this quiet strength to her that I admired too.

When there was a pause in the conversation, I quickly jumped in, "Hey Bell, when do you want us up for training?"

"Does 8 work for you two?"

I nodded and Ally groaned, "But it's Saturday. I need my sleep woman!"

Bell and I laughed at her and I checked my watch, "Well it's 8 now so if you want 12 hours then go now."

She shook her head, "Nope. You can't get rid of me that easy Oli."

I rolled my eyes and got up to go do the dishes. There weren't many and it went quick. After I'd done them, I went upstairs to the Xbox and I turned on Minecraft. It was a secret pleasure that I had. I didn't play it much but when I did, I got really into it. I played for a couple hours before turning in for the night. No matter how much I tossed and turned, I was never really comfortable, but I guess it was normal at that point. Ever since I met Duncan, I hadn't been able to sleep well. Taurus wanted him there to sleep with me and I kinda did too, but no part of me thought that was logical considering I didn't really know him. I still didn't and I never would. I yearned for my mate, but I maybe I didn't want Duncan. He obviously didn't want me, it was just the stupid bond between us. I closed my eyes and let myself drift off into a light sleep. I wasn't that tired honestly.

I woke up to the cringy, monotone beep of my alarm and Ally's disgusting pop music. In other words, it was not a good start to the morning. I put in some workout clothes and was in the basement by 7:30. I knew it was early, but I didn't know what else to do. I looked around the empty room and realized that there was nothing to practice with. Bell was already up and in workout clothes too. I walked up to her, "Do we need any punching bags? Mats? Anything?"

She turned to me, "Yes, yes and probably some mirrors a few other things. We have to to go get some of it now if you want."

I shrugged, "Yeah, sounds good to me. Let's hurry though."

We went to what I thought of as fleet farm to go get mats and mirrors and even some guns. We got three pistols and we got plywood for targets. I shoved all of that in the back and went to the sports store where we got the punching bag and gloves for it as well as some weights. I even got some shoes for specifically working out so I could keep my other Nikes nice.

When we got back around 8:30, Ally was downstairs in her comfy clothes, waiting for us. I carried in the stuff while Bell set it all up down there. It took me 3 trips to get everything but she was quick to set it up so we were starting training within 15 minutes of getting back. It was so brutal. Bell first made us do push ups, sit ups and a few other things as she added weights. Then she taught us proper punching technique on the punching bag and soon, she started to spar with us. Ally and I got our asses handed to us on a silver platter. No matter how fast I punched, I couldn't seem to catch her off guard. She normally had me on the ground within 5 seconds. After hand to hand combat she took us upstairs and out back where we shot the pistols. The target started 25 feet away and she kept moving it back until it was a good 50 yds away. I was a pretty good shot but ALly was god awful. She could barely hit the target. I kept teasing her about it which was fun. By 12 we were done and Ally and I plopped on the couch together, dying. We were a sweaty mess.

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