Chapter 40 - Right Where It All Started

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Guys, be prepared for emotion and flashbacks - a lot of them! This was so sad to write 😭 I hope you guys love it as much as I do...

Here it is ...the last chapter ❤️

~ Adrian's POV ~

We were silent the whole way home, none of us had the energy to say a word. I silently followed Angelo and Kaito with Matteo trailing slowly behind me towards the door of Jordan and I's hotel suite.

"Kaito wait." His steps faltered before he eventually stopped but didn't turn around to face me. "I'm sorry you had to do that...but thank you." I didn't really know what else to say to the man who just killed his fiancée for me, even though she cheated on him, he still loved her. "I owe you."

I patted Kaito's shoulder and made my way past him into the suite deciding to give him a few minutes alone before coming inside. I grabbed Angelo's arm by the door before we went inside properly to see Jordan and Carlotta.

"Why were you on your phone at Dante's? You said I should kill him, I don't understand what happened."

"I tapped his phone while you guys spent all that time arguing with the fool. He was bluffing, he never had anyone ready to kill Jordan."

I didn't say anything else to Angelo and instead just decided enough was enough with Dante now. He's dead, it's over. I've got more important things to worry about.

As soon as my eyes locked onto Jordan's she instantly shot up from her place on the couch and ran into my arms, wrapping them tightly around my torso. "I was so worried, are you okay? I'm sorry for annoying you earlier."

I didn't wrap my arms around her, the emptiness inside me just seemed to increase when I saw Carlotta - now my only sister. From the look on our faces she knew something was wrong. "What happened Adrian?" The tone of her voice was tentative like she didn't really want to hear the answer to her question.

"Mia's dead." Matteo's cold, blunt tone cut through the tension in the air as he made his way over to the bottles of alcohol across the room. He took a swig directly from a bottle of vodka before dropping down on the couch.

"You killed her?" Carlotta's eyes were full of tears and rage as she glared at me. I gently pushed Jordan away from me before stepping closer to her but she spoke again before I could tell her what happened. "She's our sister! It doesn't matter what she did, you didn't have to kill her...she's dead." Carlotta slowly stood to her feet as the cold hard truth finally hit her. " I hate you Adrian!" Suddenly she launched herself at me but Angelo was thankfully there to grab her before she charged straight at me. "Kaito killed her! She was about to shoot Adrian."

Carlotta stilled in his arms and turned towards him, the tears silently falling down her cheeks. "If it wasn't for Kaito, Adrian would be dead - because of her. He didn't want to do it, he's in pieces now, he did it for us."

My attention was taken away from Carlotta and Angelo when Jordan let out a small cry. "You almost died?" I couldn't find it in myself to comfort her at that moment, I just stared straight back at her while tears rolled down her cheeks.

The rest of the evening went by silently. Kaito disappeared when we got to the hotel, he never came inside with us. Maybe one day when he's over all of this, we'll see him again. Maybe next time things will end differently.

Whoever was hungry ordered room service, if they could stomach it, while we all just sat around in dead silence, apart from Leo, nobody hardly said a word. I suppose that's what happens when your youngest sibling is killed in front of you.

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