Chapter 35 - Shot

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Hey guys I hope you like this update, I know there's another time skip but it's worth it, trust me 😉 Please let me know what you think in the comments and also shout out any grammar errors please 🙈

~ Jordan's POV ~

2 months later

"Adrian!" I heard my husband groan from somewhere in the house causing Leo to giggle next to me, I let out a chuckle at this. "Did you like that baby? I like it when your father is annoyed too."

I heard Adrian's footsteps coming from the hallway while I was busy rummaging through the basket of clean laundry, random items spilling out of the over flowing basket. "What is it now? I'm trying to work."

"Papa!" Leo jumped up at the sight of his father, he started waving with his small hand which is something Adrian made sure to teach him from a young age so that when they saw each other around the house they could wave even if Adrian didn't have time to stop and talk to Leo at that moment. Adrian smiled at the excited toddler and waved back before Leo quickly lost interest and went back to the children's show he was watching on TV.

"I can't find Leo's blankie." Adrian rose an eyebrow at me in what seemed to be disbelief before shaking his head and turning around. "Hey!" I glared at him when he let out another groan and turned around to face me again. "What?"

"That was my way of asking you to help me..." I gestured to huge basket of clothes but Adrian just still stared at me blankly. I waited for him to say something but he just stood there, as usual, not doing anything. "Fine, go." As soon as the words left my mouth he turned around again and made his way back to his study.
"Don't come to our room tonight Adrian, you can stay there and work all night since that's what you clearly love doing!"

"Guardati Jordan!" (Watch yourself Jordan!) I rolled my eyes and dropped down on the couch next to Leo with a sigh. "Promise me when you grow up you'll be helpful to your wife." Leo stared at me blankly before turning back towards the TV. "Yep, just like your father."

Leo had just had his second birthday last month and even though he's so young he's behaving more and more like his dad every single day. The way he talks is exactly like Adrian but obviously just more child like. He's only two so he can't have full blown conversations with us but he's able to tell us what he wants or what he's feeling. He takes after Adrian in asking a lot questions too, he's constantly asking us for reasons for example why we shout or why Adrian is so useless around the house. Okay I made that up but he'll be asking that question soon don't worry.

Leo's second birthday was a big deal for us as a family, we had a cute little birthday party which went very smoothly considering Kaito and Mia were both there. That was the only time we've seen them since we found out they were engaged but that's mainly because when I told Adrian about Dante's plot to kidnap Leo he completely lost his mind and vowed to never let Kaito step foot into our house again.

It took me a long time to convince him to let him come to the birthday party and even then he didn't speak to Kaito once and he basically made sure Kaito was never in the same room as Leo for more than 5 minutes at a time. When I eventually managed to get through to Adrian we both agreed it's better not to tell anyone else because it would only cause us more stress which we really didn't need.

My pregnancy has been tough on us this time around, with Leo my symptoms weren't that bad, but with this one, I've been constantly throwing up which has started to slow down now that I'm four months along but it still occurs a lot. Adrian's had to help me at home a lot more now that we have to take care of Leo, obviously last time I didn't already have a baby when I went through all of this. I would have asked Carlotta to help but she's been off on shoots around Europe and I couldn't really ask her to live with me for 9 months. Matteo and Angelo are out of the question because whenever I need help I ask Adrian who then has to get those two to cover whatever he was going to be dealing with in terms of the Mafia. Hence why he's so stressed out now, according to him he's constantly helping me with things which is clearly a lie; I wouldn't be so annoyed and exhausted if he was.

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