Chapter 18 - We Need To Leave

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~ Adrian's POV ~

As soon as I got to the club I spent the next few hours with Matteo and Angelo in the back going over the plan. We only had tonight to convince Frank Sperro to work with us to take Dante down, nothing could go wrong.

"What if he says no?" I glared at Angelo from across my desk in the back office. "He won't say no. That's not going to happen." He rolled his eyes at my tone but said nothing else. The doors to the club had already opened hours ago, but we were only there for one reason, and that reason wasn't arriving until 12am.

"Jordan's not coming." Matteo's voice echoed over the music blasting in the club. "Did she say why?" Matteo shook his head and looked down at his phone. "I asked her if she still wanted me to pick her up and she said no. That's all." I let out a sigh and leaned back in my chair. "She was acting weird earlier."

"She's always acting weird. It's probably not even an act." I chuckled at Angelo's comment just as someone knocked on the door. "What?" The door opened and one of my guys stuck his head in. "It's time boss." I nodded and stood up, picking up my phone and my gun, I tucked the gun in my pants before heading out with Matteo and Angelo behind me.

We went into the club for the first time since the doors opened and I couldn't help but smirk at the sight in front of me. The club was full to the brim with horny, thirsty men and women drinking and grinding on one another. Drinks were being poured and the strippers were doing their thing, men were watching them with lust filled eyes chucking dollars at them in an attempt to get their attention. I rolled my eyes at their desperation as I made my way into the VIP area, this area was kept secluded, only for people who I invite to the club. Tonight it was just full of those important to the mafia, whether I like them or not, if they were important to me then I gave them special treatment to keep them sweet.

My eyes landed on the man I've been waiting to see, his guards surrounded him as he sipped on a drink. His eyes stopped on me and he nodded as the three of us took a seat next to him in the leather booth. "Adrian."

"Frank." He leaned back just as a waitress came over to our area. She placed a perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder while fluttering her eyelashes at me. "Can I get you something to drink baby?"

"Whiskey." She nodded and leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Maybe I can get you something else later." Her hand travelled down my shoulder seductively over my chest.

"No, thank you." Despite my rejection, she still sent me a smile before turning to take the rest of the drink orders, making sure to brush her ass up against my arm as she did so.

"I love how she ignored your wedding ring." I rolled my eyes at Matteo who's eyes were narrowed at me. He wouldn't allow me to hurt Jordan, not that I would ever cheat on her.

"So Adrian." I turned my full attention towards Frank who was waiting for me to speak. "I have a proposition for you Frank."

"Adrian. I'm not looking to get involved with anybody else right now." I made sure to keep my cool, calm exterior as I spoke to him. "I know, but I know your relationship with other groups in America is becoming more and more hostile. Making an alliance with me will put you in a stronger position." Frank chuckled and leaned back against the leather couch.

"Adrian I know your game." I gave him a smirk just as the same waitress placed the drinks infront of us, this time I didn't even spare her a glance. "What do you want out of this?"

"I just want the confidence that comes with having you as a partner Frank." He rolled his eyes causing everyone to chuckle except me. I wasn't going to laugh until this was a done deal. It was too important to me, he's my last hope, Dante doesn't associate himself with Americans, but he has enough alliances to make sure he remains powerful. I'm determined to bring him down, so I need to have the extra touch.

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