Chapter 15 - Congratulations

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~ Jordan's POV ~

2 months later

I resisted the urge to let out a groan as a child knocked over yet another pot of crayons on the floor. Seriously, I love teaching but sometimes it gets too much for me.

"Manuel torna e prendilo." (Manuel come back and pick that up.) The little boy gave me a cheeky grin before quickly picking up the crayons, he placed them down and ran off to his friends.

"Devi essere più severo con loro Jordan." (You need to be more strict with them Jordan.) I rolled my eyes at Carmela and finished packing away the toys the kids were playing with earlier. Carmela was another teacher at the school I worked at, she usually taught the younger kids but today she was helping me with my 7/8 year olds; if either of us were free we always tried to help each other.

"Non funzionerà, fidati di me." (It won't work, trust me.) I knew being too strict would backfire on me, I wasn't naturally a strict teacher so if I tried too hard to be firm with them, they'd notice and would just act up more than usual.

Carmela just shook her head at my logic in amusement before making her way over to the kids who were left. It was the end of the day, we were just waiting for the rest of the children to be picked up by their parents. Finally, half an hour later all the children from my class were gone and I was free to leave.

I made my way out to the black Audi TT that Adrian got for me once I started teaching at the school. I've only been here about two weeks, it took me a while to learn Italian fluently but I spent hours with my teacher everyday for over a month and I also started speaking in Italian with Adrian to get more practice.

I managed to get this job quite easily thanks to my husband. He insisted he had no input and that it was all down to my 'perfect teaching skills' but I know he threatened the head teacher, he came with me to my interview and right at the end he disappeared for a few minutes and returned with a satisfied smile. I never actually had the chance to be angry though, because he denied it every time and I have no proof, I couldn't really be angry at him for something which he hasn't admitted to.

I made it home within 20 minutes, it usually takes longer but today the traffic wasn't as bad. I sighed in frustration when my eyes landed on the two familiar cars in our drive way, one of them taking up my parking space. I went inside on the hunt for Matteo, there was no way I was going out later to move my car just because he felt the need to take my spot.

"Matteo!" I listened for any responses but the house was silent. I sighed and put my bag and keys down before going to Adrian's office knowing they were probably busy talking about something dangerous and wrong. I knocked on the door, after hearing Adrian say come in I opened the door to see Matteo, Angelo and Adrian staring at me.

"Matteo move your damn car." Adrian's brother turned towards me and flashed me a smirk. "I'm a little busy right now." I rolled my eyes and stepped towards him. "It will take you two minutes. Adrian won't mind." I glanced over at my husband who was glaring at me, probably because I interrupted his meeting.

"Can't you just park your car somewhere else. Tell her Adrian." I glared at Matteo, stepping closer as I felt my frustration build. "Don't look at him Matteo. Just move your car."

"How about I move my freaking car so you can park there Jordan if both of you just shut the hell up." We both turned to Angelo who was glaring at the two of us. "Who involved you?" Angelo frowned at Matteo's comment but I quickly agreed. "This is between me and Matteo, stay out of it." He scoffed and stood up shaking his head. "Adrian I'm going to get a beer, tell me when these two are done."

"Don't you dare go in my kitchen Angelo." He didn't respond to me, instead he walked out slamming the door behind him.

"Adrian don't ever bring them to this house again. I mean it." I sent them one last glare each before storming out of the room. I know you're probably thinking I over reacted but that's just our relationship, we argue constantly. I know both Angelo and Matteo do care about me and I care about them, but we never show it to each other for some reason. We just argue and bicker, it drives Adrian crazy. Usually our arguing isn't that bad but for some reason recently I've just found them more annoying, I think it's because we've become more comfortable around each other so they don't hold back when they try and piss me off.

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