Chapter 23 - Your Father Is Annoying

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~ Jordan's POV ~

I watched Adrian leave our room without even looking at me once this morning. I can't lie and say his sudden cold attitude didn't hurt because that would be an obvious lie. It was hurting more than it should, and he didn't seem to care one bit.

I took a deep breath before getting out of bed and checking on Leo who was fast asleep. I took the rare opportunity to take a quick shower before getting dressed in some comfy leggings and a sweatshirt. It's not like I was going anywhere after what my body had just been through over the last week. I've been gaining my strength back quickly but I still need help most of the time doing strenuous things, I can just about carry Leo properly now around the house and I can move around a lot more on my own now which I'm thankful for, I hate relying on people - especially Adrian when he's in his moods like today.

I kissed Leo's forehead, who was still fast asleep since he was up most of the night - with me of course, I didn't want to sleep while he was just lying awake. I turned the baby monitor on and took the receiver with me before I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast, when I walked into the kitchen Adrian didn't even look up once at me causing me to sigh. I put the baby monitor down and got on with whatever I needed to while Adrian sat and drank his coffee looking at something on his phone.

I ate a piece of toast while making some green tea, it was disgusting but it helped with all my internal issues after having a baby. I took a seat infront of my husband who was still acting like I wasn't even there.

"What's your problem Adrian?" I was sipping on my green tea waiting for him to respond to me when he glanced up from his phone for a second before moving his eyes back down. "Shouldn't you be with our son?" I rolled my eyes at his dig and leaned backwards in my chair. "I've got the baby monitor. Now tell me what the problem is. When you left you were fine and now you can't even look at me."

He didn't respond to me and instead just stared at his phone as if I wasn't even there which just pissed me off even more - my raging hormones after giving birth didn't help my mood either. "Adrian!" He finally looked at me properly for this first time today with a glare on his face.

"When did you ever get the idea that it was okay to shout at me?" I rolled my eyes at his question, of course I was going to shout at him - he was acting like a child. "You've been ignoring me, what else did you want me to do? Tell me what's wrong." Adrian sighed and locked his phone screen before looking at me. "I don't know Jordan. My head is just a bit of a mess right now, I need to figure some stuff out."

"Like what?" He gave me a look of frustration and went quiet for a moment thinking of what to say. "Us." I rose an eyebrow at him a little surprised and confused by his answer - not knowing what he meant. "Us? What do you mean? Did I do something to upset you?" He shook his head quickly and stood up from his chair. "No Jordan. I don't know, I just need some time to figure out how I feel"

"What the hell are you talking about? What happened while you were in Milan that made you change how you felt about me?" Adrian tried to avoid my glare as he moved around the kitchen tidying away some random things. "Nothing happened, I just don't know if I still love you - or if I ever did." Once again I felt that permanent crack in my heart get bigger, I wiped away the unshed tears from eyes and glared at Adrian who was refusing to look at me.

"So you just randomly decided you don't love me? Is that it?" He ran a hand through his hair in frustration, I could tell he didn't want to have this conversation with me but I wasn't going to let him off easily.

"No Jordan, I jus-" I cut him off, my anger seemed be taking over the hurt I was feeling. "You can't just decide you don't love me. It doesn't work like that, you're hiding something Adrian." He wouldn't tell me what really happened but I knew something did. Adrian was fine before he left and since the first time he said it, he's always told me he loved me and he never did anything to make me think otherwise.

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