Chapter 19 - I Love You

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I know the chapter title gives it all away but enjoy...😏

~ Jordan's POV ~

I rolled over in the bed, my arm stretched out only to meet cold bedsheets. I let out a groan and sat up slightly, my eyes landed on the clock showing it was 12pm. I took a few minutes to get up, my morning sickness making it hard for me to move around properly. I took a shower to freshen up but it didn't help the constant feeling of being about to throw up. I got dressed in silence and slowly went down the stairs to get some water. "Dragging her out here isn't good for the baby Adrian."

"And staying in Milan where Dante can get to her is?" I frowned at Adrian's voice travelling down the hallway as I made my way towards the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway, my eyes landing on Carlotta, Matteo and Angelo talking to my husband at the table. "Just be careful what you say to her. I don't need her anymore stressed than she already is."

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." They all looked up in my direction, watching me as I walked into the kitchen headed straight for the sink. "How are you feeling?" I ignored Matteo's question and filled a glass with water making sure not to make eye contact with any of them.

"Jordan." I rolled my eyes and turned my back towards them, taking small sips of my water in an attempt to calm my nausea.
I heard Adrian mumble something and seconds later everyone but him left the kitchen closing the door behind them.

"Stop this. I know you're upset, but you can't just ignore everyone." I stubbornly continued to ignore Adrian, I know I can't ignore them forever but I sure as hell will try for as long as I can. However Adrian made this harder than it should have been by grabbing my shoulder and turning me around to face him.

"I'm sorry for what happened last night but you need to cut this out. I'm still pissed at you for not telling me, so don't think I'm going to be sympathetic, I was last night but not anymore." I slammed my glass down on the counter before stepping towards him.

"It's your fault. Don't even think about trying to blame me, it's you." His jaw clenched as he glared at me. "Just shut your damn mouth." With that he left the kitchen slamming the door behind himself, I sighed when the sound caused a sharp pain in my head. I picked up my glass and wandered through the house taking in all the beauty and depth of the decor as I searched for somewhere to rest.

I found myself lying on a hammock outside, staring at the clear blue sky. I had walked for at least 10 minutes away from the house through the endless grounds; I hadn't even reached the edge of the garden after walking for that long. I guess that's the benefit of being rich and having a house in the middle of nowhere.

I let my mind wander back to the events of last night and the fact that everyone knew about what Dante had seen. That was the real reason I didn't want to see or speak to anyone this morning, I was ashamed. I couldn't look anyone in the eye because of it, it was embarrassing.

I didn't blame Adrian for what happened, not really. Yes in the grand scheme of things it comes down to him but if I was truly against his lifestyle I would have done something about it, but my feelings towards him are much stronger than my need to get away from the mafia. I know he'll protect me and the baby, that's not a problem.

I also know I shouldn't have developed feelings for him and honestly I don't know when it happened. Somewhere along this twisted journey I found myself falling for him. His temper and anger issues, the way he cares about me in his own way, the way he can just switch and become the most caring person in seconds. I was falling for him fast and hard, and it was the most terrifying thing that's ever happened to me.

I feel like every single time I speak to him, it could be the end of our 'relationship' - one of us will push the other too far, we'll say and do things we'll regret leading us to ignoring each other for the foreseeable future. That is until something happens and we make up, but then it happens all over again. It's a vicious cycle which I can't get out of, no matter how many times I tell him we need to stop arguing. Something is always there to rip us apart again. Just like this whole thing with Dante.

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