Chapter 39 - Your Kids Need A Father

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~ Jordan's POV ~

"Adrian.." He quickly shook his head ignoring me and instead stood up facing Carlotta.

"No way. She wouldn't."

"You think I want to believe that she would do something like this? Of course I don't! You can't ignore the facts Adrian!" Adrian once again shook his head and began pacing around the room, ignoring my family who were silently watching this unfold.

"Dante wants her dead! He would stop at nothing to kill Jordan, and Leo if he was given the chance! There is no way she would kill her own nephew."

"Well let's ask her then." Matteo stepped between Adrian and Carlotta who were busy glaring at one another, as usual. "Now stop arguing, both of you." I rolled my eyes and stood up next to Adrian, this was taking too long.

"Let's go Adrian. We've got bigger problems to worry about. If they can hate me so much for protecting them then they probably didn't deserve someone to love them that much that they would sacrifice everything for them, in the first place. As long as my dad is alive and okay then I've got nothing left to be in London for. Leo's waiting for us, let's go."

With that I walked out of the living room and out the house without looking back at any of my so called family. I heard the others following behind me while I waited by Adrian's car for him to unlock it.

"Jordan wait." Grace slowly made her way over to me with Riley and my mother watching us from the front door. "Don't leave us again. We only just go you back. I know Riley said a lot to you but he was just hurt. You guys can make it through this if you just stay."

I glanced over her shoulder once again at my brother who was watching the two of us. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but from the expression on his face it didn't look like his anger would be disappearing any time soon.

"Maybe when he's ready to talk to me properly he can call me then, he's got my number. I love you both so much Grace. I never wanted either of you to get hurt or hate me so much. I had a decision to make in that moment and I did what was best for everyone. I just hope one day you guys can understand that, because I would really like for you both to meet your nephew properly; and to be part of our lives."

I gave her one last smile before getting in the car. Taking a deep breath I attempted to control the emotions inside me, I didn't want to cry in front of anyone but leaving my family once again was such a hard thing to do. "Ready tesoro?"

I looked over at Adrian who stretched his hand out to me. I took it in mine and squeezed it gently before taking a final look at my old house where there were so many memories - not just of my old life but the start of my new on as well. Things I would never ever forget.

"I'm ready, let's get out of here."

<<<<<<< >>>>>>> <<<<<<<

"Mia!" Adrian's loud voice boomed through our suite when we walked in expecting to see her sitting with Angelo, Leo and Kaito.

"I swear Kaito, once I've found my sister I'm going to kill you." I tried to catch up with Adrian as he stormed over towards the couches where both Kaito and Angelo looked shell shocked.

"Where the hell is she?" Angelo quickly picked a frightened Leo up into his arms to prevent him from crying. "Adrian calm down you're scaring Leo." Adrian glared at Angelo before looking at the wide eyed boy in his arms. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat before he spoke a lot more calmly but the anger was still very much evident.

"Don't make me repeat myself Angelo." Angelo let out a sigh before shrugging his shoulders and placing Leo down on the floor in front of the TV. "She hasn't come back yet. She's probably out doing something Adrian, why?"

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