Chapter 5 - It's All Yours

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~ Jordan's POV ~

I let the hot water of the shower soothe the pain in my body from last night. Almost everywhere was aching after the number of rounds Adrian and I did last night. I washed the soap off my body before turning off the shower. I dried off and got dressed into my shorts and tshirt in the bathroom since Adrian showered before me and was already awake.

I combed and dried my long brown hair before going into the bedroom. Adrian was dressed in his suit which is what he usually wears when he goes to 'work'. He was looking at something on his phone when I walked in, but he didn't look up at me.

"Are you going to be gone all day?" I started taking off the dirty bedsheets from last night to replace them with clean ones. Adrian didn't respond to my question and I looked at him to see he was still on his phone. "Adrian." I dropped the bedsheets and walked over to him when he finally looked at me for the first time.

"What's your problem?" He rolled his eyes and started walking to the door. "Shut up Jordan." I scoffed at this. "I'm sorry, what?" He shook his head and turned back towards me.

"Get lost." I stared at my 'husband' in shock, the way he spoke was so cold and angry like I was someone he hated.

"Adrian what the hell-" Before I could finish my sentence he groaned in frustration and cut me off. "What do you not understand? I don't want to see you, I don't want to speak to you, I don't want to be near you. Shut the hell up puttana." (Whore.)

I felt anger, hurt and regret hit me hard all in one go as his words registered with me. Without even thinking my hand went flying, making contact with his cheek hard.

His eyes lit up with anger, more than I had ever seen before. He started breathing heavily as I took steps away from him but he just followed me. Every time I took a step backwards he took one towards me, I felt myself fall backwards on to the bed and I tried to scramble away from Adrian but he grabbed me and pulled me towards him. Every time I tried to push him away he pulled me back towards him roughly.

Before anything else could happen, his phone started ringing causing him to stop. He kept his glare on me, my fearful eyes staring back at his enraged ones. Eventually he took his phone out and answered in Italian, his eyes never leaving mine as he spoke. He ended the call and rubbed his hand over his cheek where I slapped him.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." I glared at him feeling the fear leave and being replaced with anger. "Why didn't you? Why don't you just kill me now Adrian. I'd rather be dead than be your wife anyway." He clenched his jaw whilst we glared at each other before he suddenly turned around and left the room without another word.

Hours and hours had passed since I slapped Adrian this morning. I don't even want to think about what he would have done if his phone didn't go off at the perfect time. I kept myself busy during the day by cleaning the house and going food shopping using one of Adrian's cars which he said I should do if I ever needed to go anywhere.

"Jordan!" I jumped at the sound of my husband's voice echoing through the house. I didn't respond but eventually he found me in our room anyway folding some of the laundry on the bed. I was a proper little housewife. And I hated every second of it.

"What?" He sat down on the bed next to me. "We're going on our honeymoon. Tonight." I rose an eyebrow at him in surprise, okay I didn't expect to get that for slapping him.

"Sorry what? A honeymoon? With you? No thanks." I carried on folding some of my pyjamas when he cursed under his breath in Italian.

"Why do you have to be so damn difficult? Just do what I say." I scoffed and glared at him. "Or what Adrian? Are you going to rape me?" His eyes instantly went cold, the anger from earlier returning at my question.

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