Chapter 33 - Our Little Family Just Got Bigger

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~ Jordan's POV ~


That is how I describe my life now. Everyday is the same routine, the same thing constantly. I wake up, I look after Leo who's just come down with the worst cold ever thanks to the horrible cold weather outside, I cook and clean and go to sleep. I've been doing that everyday for the last 4 weeks.

I refused to speak to any of the De Mancusos, mainly Carlotta and Matteo who haven't come back to the house since that night; but naturally due to the decrease in my mood Adrian and I haven't spoken much either. He's been busy with work and a business trip he had to take to New York with Matteo and Angelo. I think he also blames himself for this whole thing - which I completely supported for the first week since it was his idea for me to call Riley in the first place. But after a week I decided it probably wasn't all his fault since he couldn't have known Riley would react like that. It's only partially his fault.

And as for my lack of socialising with anyone but Leo, I just couldn't handle speaking to anyone after having my brother hang up on me. I've tried to keep myself busy to take my mind off it but it really hasn't worked. I've never felt more worse about leaving my family behind in London than I do now. I've been through so much emotionally since I got here, but, especially at the start, my family was always that reason in the back of my head that I stayed here and didn't do anything stupid.

Adrian used to threaten them, I know he would never ever do anything to them now and he probably wouldn't have back then either but I'm not taking any chances. Especially with the number of enemies this family has, anyone could hurt my family if they found out that I was related to them. That's why it hurt so much for Riley to hang up; I stayed here for them, behind all my love for Adrian and my obvious lack of courage to try and leave at the beginning, they were the main reason I kept myself here and did what he said. Now they hate me and I can't do anything about it.

And just to add to my stress, my period hasn't come again. I put the first one down to unnecessary frantic emotions and stress, but the second one - I've got no explanations for. That's what led me to staring at a pregnancy test in the bathroom. I picked a couple up when I went food shopping with Leo earlier after taking him to the doctor and once I managed to get him down for his nap I finally had the chance to take them. But I couldn't. I know it would be my second baby with the man I love in a stable-ish marriage, but I was a nervous wreck.

After half an hour of mini pep talks and a lot of breathing and pacing around Adrian and I's annoyingly large bathroom I finally managed to sit down and pee. It turned out to be the longest pee of my life. I leaned against the counter waiting for the five minutes to be up, my mind filling with all the possibilities of what could happen.

I could have another baby; a baby brother or sister for Leo, another baby that Adrian and I made together. Also another a baby we have to work so hard to protect from all the evils and dangers that come with Adrian's occupation.

Was I really ready to bring another baby into this life?

Whatever my answer was, it didn't matter because the tests said I was pregnant. I had no other choice but to love my baby and protect it forever and keep it safe until I die. I had to raise it the best I could and hope it never has to go through the things I've been through since I've been in Italy.

I wiped away the endless stream of tears which kept falling and finally put the last test down, the positive sign still staring right back at me. I opened the door of the bathroom running straight into a hard chest, two arms shot out to steady me. I looked up to see Adrian dressed in sweatpants and hoodie staring at me in surprise and concern.

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