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He looked absolutely horrible. I covered my mouth and started at him as more tears threatened to spill. His left leg was broken, tiny multiple cuts on him face, bruised cheek. He always managed to cut his nose, but now there was a medium sized gash.

This was all my fault.

I pulled up a chair next to him and held his hand. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the monitor. The beeping rang through my head causing my head pound at every beep. I felt dizzy, all of this happened so fast. I took a deep breath and told myself he will be fine.

Cameron placed his hand on my back,

I looked up at him and weakly smiled.

"He's a strong boy, he will get through it." He said

A nurse came into the room.

"The visiting hours are now over" she said

I looked at Nash, kissing his forehead and whispering "i love you"



Cameron drove me home, he offered me to stay over but there was still a party going on.

I laid on my bed, Nash hasn't left my mind once. I stared blankly at the ceiling until I drifted off to sleep.



I woke up to the sunlight shunting through the blinds into my eyes. I quickly closed my eyes, it was way to bright. I turned around and opened my eyes and unlocked my phone.

It was 3:21.

I shot up and ran to the bathroom,

Quickly changing my clothes, and to freshen up.

I had to see Nash.

I called Cam for a ride and he agreed. The car ride was Silent until we arrived.

"Thank you" I paused "For all of this."

"No problem" he smiled. "Now let's Go see Nash"

He was still in a coma, still in the same position aw yesterday. Everytime I looked at him more tears threatened to spill but I couldn't cry anymore, I just felt numb. I pulled up a chair and grabbed his hand, gripping it tightly.

"Nash, I love you so much. You're my everything and I can't live without you. Everyone thinks that you need me but the truth is I need you, we need each other. I need you here Nash." I choked out.

"All I want is is nothing more than to see your big bright smile, or you're mesmerizing big blue eyes. I want to hear your contagious laugh again, I want to be in your arms forever. I am in love with you." I sniffled

"And I'm so so sorry for everything, just please stay, please Nash." I spoke as if he could actually hear me.

I kissed his hand and walked out, I couldn't take it anymore I need to get some fresh air. I wiped away the incoming tears away and sat outside, breathing in deeply and trying to relax.

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