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The next day at school.

I sighed as I sat down in my chair, I pulled out my tiny mirror to make sure I covered up the bruise well enough to where it isn't noticeable. It was fine so I put the mirror away and waited for class to start.

I sat up in my seat when Nash walked in, we made eye contact causing his face to brighten.

"Hey Bella" he greeted as he sat down behind me.

"Hey Nash."

My phone screen lit up, I received a text from my mom

-hey honey, I'm going out of town for about 3 days for work, I left money on the counter be safe, love you.

Funny how she acts like nothing happened, But this means I can hang out with Nash, she won't know.

"Do you want to come over today?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled.

We talked about random things until the bell rang and class started.

After school

I busted the door open.

"Okay we have the whole house to ourselves." I yelled since my mom wasn't here to scold me.

I dropped my bags on the ground and headed upstairs with Nash following me.

We fell on the bed at the same time.
"Hamilton." I laughed.

"Don't call me that." He poked my side.

"Aw little hammy is mad?"

He started to violently tickle my sides. Causing me to laugh and spazz out.

"Say sorry." He laughed.

"Okay okay." I grabbed his arm to stop him. "I'm sorry...... Hamilton." I bursted out in laughter.

"You think that's funny?" He acted serious but failed, he picked me up bridal style and slammed me back onto the bed. He remained on top of me, staring deeply into my eyes.



He smashed his lips onto mine, in perfect sync. It became heated until he stopped.

"I'm sorry." He sat up.

I sat up with him cupping his face toward me. "It's okay, I liked it." I pulled him back down and began to make out again.

It felt so right, it was perfect until my phone started ringing. I pulled away and answered, motioning him to not talk.

"Hey mom."

"Hey honey is everything okay?"

"Yeah perfectly fine."

"Alright I just wanted to check up on you and Delilah."

"Yeah we are fine."

"Okay, I'll be home in about 2 days, love you." She hung up. I still love her even though she can be abusive. I dropped the phone on the bed, biting my lip.

"Now... Where were we?" I climbed on top of him. Our lips almost connected until a little puffball started attacking me playfully.

"Delilah!" I laughed as she continued licking my face. Nash broke out in laughter.

"Help me." I laughed in between breaths.

He pulled her off of me and kissed her head. "Love you Delilah, now go play." He placed her on the floor and she scurried off.

Nash's phone started to buzz. "Oh,
I have to babysit my littler sister on a few, want to come?"

"Sure." I smiled at the thought of Nash with children.

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