Chapter 17

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Today was the last day of school and tomorrow I leave for Miami. I just have to get through this day then I'll see the love of my life.
School went the same as it always does, bullies, name calling, shoving, dirty looks but I got through it. I walked through the doors of the school.
"Is that Nash Grier?" A voice said.
I quickly turned around as the people approached me. As they came closer i looked down avoiding eye contact.
"Haven't seen you in a while" one snickered.
"Are you going to talk back?" He yelled in my face, taking a handful of my shirt in his fists. I continued to look down.
"What's this?" He pulled my bracelets up and laughed. I yanked my arm away but he somehow had my wrist in his grasp again.
He squeezed my wrist tightly. "Please.stop." I whined in pain. He dug his nails into my scars and skin.
"Get him." He yelled and another boy punched me in my jaw, sending me backwards. My wrist was still being dug into and when I fell backwards, my skin tore.
They got me pretty bad. I limped home hoping I wouldn't encounter anyone.
I glanced at my wrist, it was tore up pretty badly I don't understand how they can do that to someone..
I finally arrived at home and cleaned up my wounds. Everyone hates me except for Bella. I'm only here because of her. I need her.
SORRY THIS IS SHORT I'm such a bad writer forgive me, everything is so overwhelming right now I'm trying the best I can. Anyways this book is going to be sad af so be prepared

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