Chapter 19

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"Ready?" Bella spoke, holding her hand out. I smiled and grabbed her tiny hand.
She cheered and dragged me toward the area the festival was being held.
It was about 30 minutes until the sun would set and the music was blasting. Everyone looked like there wasn't a care in the world. I loved it.
Soon giant crowds of people gathered and it soon started. Bella sat on my shoulders to get a better view, the music blasted and everyone was having a great time. Every time the beat drops my soul would leave my body, it was hard to explain the feeling... I felt free for once.
The sky finally turned dark and the stars came out from hiding, the lights of the stage flickered all around and matched the bass of the music.
Confetti shot out of pipes, beach balls were being thrown around, people singing and cheering, it was the most amazing thing ever.
For once in my life I felt like I wasn't being judged.
But all the fun soon came to an end when the clock struck 12.
"Did you have fun?" I asked
"Hell yes!" She jumped in the air and spun around multiple time and of course I laughed.
I grabbed her hand and started to skip.
"Your such an idiot" she laugh
"But I'm your idiot" I smiled in the weirdest and creepiest way ever
"A little cheesy too." She stopped and turned towards me. We stared into each other's eyes.
"You know I love you right? More than anything."
I pushed back a loose strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear, I slowly started to lean in and kissed her lips gently. The kiss became more rough, everything was just perfect. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the constant breezes passing through. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.
She pulled away and smiled. "Want to go stuff our faces in the In-n-Out?"
"You already know." I said sassily
I backed up a little to tie my shoe and bumped into someone.
"Sorry dude" I said before looking at his face.


CAMERON?!?!?! why am I freaking out omg, will Cameron remember him? Or totally think Nash is weird af.
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