Chapter 15

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"Sorry." I mumbled and moved into the opposite side of them. The next thing I know I'm being slammed against the lockers, this is the least harmful thing they've done.
"Watch where your going faggot." One yelled.
I stood up and began walking as if It never happened. I wondered if I moved to Miami with Bella the bullying would stop, but that's not the case. Everyone knows who I am, I just want it to stop.
As I continued my day I began to worry more.
I walked around the house that was now dull, almost everything was packed into the cardboard boxes. I smiled as my phone screen lit up. Nash.
N- meet me at the fairgrounds.
I quickly stood up and searched for my vans, once I found then I headed off on my penny since the fair is close.
There were many people here. I scanned the huge crowd but no Nash. There was some people from school and some people I've seen around the town. I continued to walk around until I met eyes with.
"Hey!" I ran up to him and squeezed him in a hug.
"Hey baby." He laid his lips onto mine.
"How was school today?"
"Better." He smiled
"Good" I intertwined our hands and dragged him to a booth.
I pointed to a large bear hanging on the roof of the tent.
"I gots dis." He tried to say seriously.
He missed the first shot, and the second. He sent the third about 7 inches away from the target.
"Im sure you do." I laughed "let's go."
"I need to win this for you so you'll remember me when you go to Miami."
"I'll never forget you but okay." I smiled but frowned inside of the fact that I'll be leaving in a few days.
After about 10 tries we wasted about 20 dollars and Nash finally won. He gave the bear to me.
"Thank you." I reached up and kissed his cheek.
Nash dragged me to the Ferris wheel,
As we entered I got a little nervous. We went higher and higher until my stomach dropped.
"Uhh" I said looking down at the fair. "So high up."
"It's okay I'm here." He machine came to a full stop to let others on, we were at the highest point.
"Look." He pointed at the sunset.
"Wow it's beautiful take a picture."
She pulled out her phone and took a picture as I took out mine a took a picture of her, I thought she was more beautiful.
She turned around and showed me the picture it was truly beautiful. I took her phone and laid it gently next to her, I cupped her face and kissed her. She placed her hands slowly on my arms and we soon started to make out.
I pulled away and she smiled.
"I'm going to miss that." She frowned.
I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her as the machine moved again.
"I love you."
"I love you more." She spoke.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever bc finals we have one more week of school left so soon I'll be more active with writing, please understand ily

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