Chapter 18

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Today is the day. I Sat at the waiting area, impatiently.
"Flight 542, ready for boarding"
I grabbed my stuff and speeded to the boarding door. Showing the guard my ticket, I soon sped to the plane. I was super excited and could barley function. I escaped my bullies, well the bullies here, and all the hate will hopefully be left behind.
Once everyone boarded a video played about safety but I ignored it since I've been on a plane multiple times.
As the plane slowly took off I leaned back in my seat, taking a deep breath and closed my eyes.
I shot my eyes open and woke up to the sound of talking and shuffling. I looked around me, everyone was pulling their bags out. I glanced out the window and got more excited as we got closer and closer to the ground.
The plane landed and made a full stop. I grabbed my only bag and darted off the plane, instantly making my way inside.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, texting Bella to inform her of my arrival.
She responded back with "we are in the lobby"
I smiled to myself and grabbed my bag and walked to the lobby. I scanned the large group of unfamiliar faces, looking for that one familiar face. I pulled off my beanie because it became to hot and stored in into my bag.
I waited a little bit and searched the crowd again. A sense of relief filled my body when I spotted her. A smile grew across her face and so did mine. We both ran as fast as we can, finally having her in my arms again, our bodies spun.
"Oh my gosh" she cried.
"I've missed you so much." I squeezed her tightly.
"You have no idea how happy I am to see you." She smiled grabbing my hand and dragged me outside.
"We got a beach house for summer" she smiled.
"The beach sounds perfect right now."
"Good, I thought we could have some alone time." She smirked
I laughed and kissed her, it wasn't like our other kisses, this one felt right and just amazing.
"Come on." She giggled. "Let's go and adventure."


Holy shiz I haven't updated in forever!1!1!1! Yeah I'm sorry I've just been lazy af but be expecting more soon. Ok ily all

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