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"Who am I kidding." I threw everything in my hand onto the floor. I can't end it, I just can't. I sobbed uncontrollably until I heard footsteps up the stairs.
I quickly kicked the bottle under the bed. I was home alone, maybe it's Bella.
My door busted open, there stood Bella, her mouth curved to a frown as she saw me with tears in my eyes.

"Nash." She spoke, sitting next to me. She wiped away my tear with her thumb.

"I'm sorry." She grabbed my
Hand. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." My voice cracked.

"What happened." She looked around the room.


She looked at me then to the floor. Tears forming in her eyes, that's when I noticed a faint bruise on her cheekbone.

"What is this." She cried as she wiped her foot across the carpet causing the pills to pop out.

"Nash." She grabbed my shoulders turning my body towards hers. Her eyes full of pain.

"You didn't." She sobbed.

I shook my head. She engulfed me In a hug.

"You won't try a second time.."

"Third." I corrected her.

She looked up at me with hurt then continued to hug me tightly.

"You can tell me everything right?" I asked finally controlling myself.

"Yeah." She mumbled.

I lifted her chin up and lightly kissed her cheekbone.

"What happened."

She breathed in deeply, not speaking for a while.

"My mom."


"No it's okay."

"No isn't that child abuse we should call the cops that's not right." I felt anger boil inside me

"It's only because disagreements Nash, please don't."

I sighed and pulled her head to my chest. "I can't let her hurt you anymore."

Nash wanted me to stay at his house so I did.

"You don't mind sleeping in the same bed right?"

"No" I giggled.

"Good" he smirked.

I continued to look through YouTube on his MacBook.

"Uh Bella." I turned my head toward him. "I have something for you."
He handed me a disk 'everything I never could tell you.' Written in sharpie.

"Listen to it while I'm in the shower." He smiled and disappeared into the bathroom.

I read the title over again and smiled as I stuck it in the side of his laptop.
I listened to each song, the lyrics hit me hard.

When the last song finished playing Nash's voice spoke. "I love you beautiful."

I began to tear up, I love him so much, he feels the same way?

I fell back onto the bed, my cheeks red as ever and began to think about him.

Oblivion ; n.gOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora