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"I love it Nash." I threw my arms around his neck.

"I knew you would." He held me in his arms.

"Bella." He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Yeah?" I hoped he was going to say it.

"Nevermind." He looked away

"Ready for bed?" He asked changing the subject.

"Um yeah." I hopped under the covers. Nash sliding in next to me. I turned the opposite way from him, scooting closer to where I could feel his chest against my back. He slid his arm under my arm that rested against my side, he held me with a tight grip.

"Goodnight." I yawned

"Goodnight beautiful."

I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep, I just laid there endlessly thinking.
I felt him wrap his leg around mine, I smiled at his actions, I could stay like this forever. I want him to be mine.
"I love you." He mumbled without knowing I was awake.

I quickly turned around and pecked his lips. "I love you too."

His eyes lit up, his facial expression was shocked, I giggled and turned around, scooting closer to him.

"I always have." I whispered.

"I have too." He shifted on a more comfortable position.

"Sweet dreams princess."

I soon dozed off.

the next morning
I slept gracefully for about 4 hours, I woke up at 6 am. I kept thinking about Cameron.

I miss him so much, he is living the dream that we both planned to.

He made it.

All of our memories ran through my head over and over, he was my best friend, my brother and that was all taken away in a flash.

I laid in bed the same position I woke up in, waiting for Bella to awaken. She suddenly turned around, her eyes still sealed shut.



She didn't reply. Beads of sweat formed on her tiny forehead.

"Don't let her get me Nash." She spoke in fear.

She started whining. "Bella." I shook her "wake up!"

He eyes shot open she stared at me in fear.

I wrapped her in my arms, "Bella what happened?" I rubbed her sweaty back.
"My mom. Nightmare it-t was just." She stuttered.

"It's okay, I'm here." I comforted her. We stayed like this for a few minutes until she calmed.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" She sweetly spoke.

"N-no I was already awake."

"Good" she weakly smiled.

I looked into her eyes, they were screaming for help.

"You aren't telling me something"

"What" she choked

"You can tell me anything Bella."

"I-I know but"

"Bella" I stared deeply into her eyes.
She tooled a deep breath.

"Don't tell anyone." She calmly spoke.

"Do you want to know how my dad died?"

I nodded "if you are ready." I grabbed her hand.

"It was when I was 5, I had these giant nerdy glasses that I couldn't see without. I had just woken up to screaming, I ran toward the sound without my glasses." She paused.

"I saw one figure which was my dad repeatedly stabbing m-my brother." She began to cry.

"Brother?" I was confused so never told me she had a brother.

"Yeah." She choked "I was so scared, I don't know what to do, everything was blurry so I ran to my room to get my glasses and I ran into my mom. She grabbed me and hid me in a closet. A few minutes passed, another scream." She sobbed uncontrollably.

"It became silent, I slowly walked out and saw a huge figure towering over me. I was grabbed and put into a car, it was my dad he handed me my glasses. As he drove of I saw the side of his face, there was blood all over."

"I asked him about my brother and mom, he told me they are sleeping. He started to speed up, I screamed at him to slow down and we went flying off a cliff." She moved closer to me.

"I didn't cry, I didn't react. I looked at my father who's stomach was impaled with a pole. I soon cried and wandered in the woods. It began to snow, I was cold and sick. That's all I remember." She sobbed into my shoulder, I cried also.

"Bella" I sobbed.

"I'm so sorry, why didn't you tell me."

"I-I don't know."

"But my mom survived, she told me everything was my fault." I wiped her tears with my thumb. "She doesn't love me and I was always abused."

I held her closely to me, I wanted her to know that I'm here for her. I love her so much. The world is so cruel and she experienced that in a early age.

"I didn't see the point of living until I met you." She gripped me tightly.

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