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I've always thought about him, the blue eyed boy. He has never left my mind since the first day of school.

I constantly see him in the hallways, his head always hung low, with his hair perfectly done. However, he never says a word, not a sound comes out his mouth. I could hear the cruel words constantly spilling out of people's mouths.
As I walked down the hallway I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I bent down to help them.

He looked up at me, our eyes met. I felt something I've never felt before.

"Alright class, since it's the first day I want you to tell a partner five facts about yourself." Mr.Green paused "I'll be choosing partners." The class groaned.

I was paired with a boy named Nash.
"Hi Nash." I greeted.

"Hello." He mumbled not showing any interest in the assignment.

"Should I go first?" I asked.

He nodded and fiddled with his fingers.

"Okay, My name is Arabella. You can call be Bella. My favorite color is tiffany blue. I moved here from Virginia. And um...." I tried to think.

"And music helps me through a lot I guess."

I observed him as he wrote down my facts. Piercing blue eyes, burnette hair with a blonde streak, he never smiled but he was beautiful.

"Okay your turn."

"I'm Nash, I don't like it here, I like blue, music is my escape, I've lived here my whole life, I love cinimon toast crunch... That's it"

I nodded as I jotted down the rest.

"Okay class let's present what you've learned." He scanned the classroom.

"How about Nash and Arabella."
I groaned and sat up in my chair.

"This is Nash, he doesn't like it here, he's lived here his whole life, he likes the color blue, he loves cinnamon toast crunch and music is his escape." I said.

"Yeah and he's a faggot." A guy yelled, the class erupted in laughter expect for me. I looked at Nash who looked down at his feet, Then looked up at me with his blue eyes pleading for help.
*end of flashback*

He picked up the rest of his books and scurried to his next class. I'm going to talk to him today, I have to.

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