Chapter 44

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6 months later!

Rosie's p.o.v
"TYLER WHY DO YOU ALWAYS CAUSE ARGUMENTS" I scream down the phone before hanging it up. Tyler and I have been dating for a little over a month and it's really not going well,constant arguments over the stupidest things,I guess I only got with him to forget about Calum. Whom I miss, a lot. The only time we really talk is when we have to. And I can't stand it, where as Ellie and Luke are inseparable. Calum's been seeing a girl who is 18 like him but they're nothing serious,they hardly ever see each other but when they do I can't help but wish I was in her place. My phone buzzes interrupting me from my lonely thoughts about Calum
From: Ty😘
I'm breaking up with you.sorry. It's not you it's me
I delete the text and slide my phone into my pocket while getting up and going downstairs. As I walk into the living room I see Tricia,the girl who Calum has been seeing, snuggled into his side. The expression on his face shows he's not very happy about it. I sit down next to ash and he wraps his arm around me pulling me closer. "I have to go to the bathroom babe" Calum says and Tricia clings to his arm "I'll miss you baby" she whines and I scoff "he's going to piss,he won't be that long,gosh" I say and roll my eyes. Ashton chuckles and Calum tries to hide a smile while Tricia sits there and glares at me. "What are you glaring at,Barbie?" I spit at her and Calum laughs but covers it with a cough and Ashton nudges my arm "be nice" he whispers In my ear "I'm going for a swim" I say while getting up to go to the pool "but Rosie you're not wearing a bathing suit?" Ashton States and I shrug "it's only shorts and a tshirt,it will be fine" I say and walk outside. I let a couple tears slip as I get into the pool, I swim around by myself for a couple minutes before hearing a voice behind me. "What was that about in there?" The all too familiar voice says. I turn around to see Calum stood at the side of the pool "nothing I just don't like her" I lie while going to the edge of the pool where he is. He sits down and slides him self in "come on,I know there's more to it than that" he says while grabbing both of my hands And looking straight into my eyes. "I miss you cal! Okay there I said it,I miss you and I can't stand the sight of you with her! It makes me so jealous" I say and blush as he smirks "but you're with that Thomas or what ever his name is" he looks confused and looks down "I was with him to make you jealous,his names Tyler by the way" I state before carrying on "and you just got in the pool in your jeans" I state again and he looks at his clothing "shit" he mumbles under his breath before taking his shirts off "what are you doing?" I ask shocked "it's uncomfortable" he shrugs and looks back at me "I miss you too Rosie,I honestly don't even like her" he chuckles and I smile. He snakes his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck,he pulls me closer and just as our lips are about to touch I push him away "were not even together yet,do you really think I'm gonna kiss you?" I smirk and he pouts "but I'm cute" he says and I laugh "and I love you" he tells me pulling me closer again and instead of kissing him I put my lips close to his ear and whisper "sorry,what was that I can't hear you over you ego" I giggle and he picks me up, getting out of the pool and putting me over his shoulder. Honestly I don't know where I am with Calum at the moment,but I like it like this. Just how it is now. He lays me down on the floor and tickles me,showering me with kisses "what's going on here?" Tricia screeches "it's not what it looks like" Calum's says while standing up "yes it is" I tell her while smiling "Calum explain" she demands walking closer to him "I'm sorry Tricia but I love Rosie,I didn't mean to hurt you,honest" he says and she laughs "it's been a pleasure working with you Calum" she smiles at him and I tilt my head in confusion "thanks for doing this Tricia,you've done a great job" he laughs and gives her a friendly hug "wait what did I miss?" I ask and they look at me "me and Calum were good friends before he dropped out of school,and he asked me to pretend to date him to make you jealous" she takes a breath before continuing "but I thought you'd at least be his age" she looks at me and I nod "yeahh,but we figured age doesn't matter" I look at Calum and he smiles "but were a secret,so don't tell anyone" Calum pleads "don't worry,I won't tell anyone" she smiles and hugs me before walking out of the house and driving away "I hate you Hood" I joke as I push his chest slightly "you love me really" he smiles and kisses my forehead "now please make us official,I've waited nearly 7 months to kiss those lips and I don't want to wait any longer" he begs and I tease him "well maybe I'll wait a little longer" and he looks at me with sad eyes "rosiieeee" he whines and I give in "okay,were official" and before I can say anything else his lips are connected to mine and are moving in sync "hey gu- woah sorry didn't mean to interrupt your make out session" I think it was Ashton who said it,but we didn't know since we didn't pull away. We both smiled into the kiss "I'm glad you're mine again" Calum tells me and I smile "me too" we kiss again but just for a few seconds.... But I still loved every moment of it.
Okay this is short as hell I know but I needed to update! I know I know😂I just couldn't bare them not being together okay😭😭I ship us way too hard I'm sorry✌️✌️but yeahhh only like 3-4 more chapters left. And then if you like I could do a sequel ....❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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