Chapter 38

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Luke's pov
When Calum and Rosie left I thought of going somewhere with Ellie we really have to talk but I'm nervous about what her reaction could be... Luke grow some balls and go talk to her she's your girl. For now

Ellie's pov
I noticed luke looked like something was bothering him so I walked/swam towards him and cuddled him, he hesitated to cuddle me back but did after a while. ''Ellie'' he said quickly catching my attention ''Mhmm?'' I asked ''Can you ask the boys to watch..umh Tommy while we go t-talk?'' He stuttered what does this mean? ''Well yeah I guess, luke is there something wrong?'' I asked unknown of how harsh the tone of my voice was, he looked straight down avoiding eye contact with me and replied with a 'yes' and got out of the water. So I didn't know what to think, so I swam over to ash who was tanning and sat down across from him, ''Ellie you okay? What's on your mind?'' He asked ''it's luke. Earlier he was cuddly and his normal self and he started being really distant so I went over to him and cuddled him and he didn't really hug back, he also said he wanted to talk and asked if it'd be okay if you guys could look after Tommy and got out of the pool'' I quickly glanced over at tommy who was being occasionally pushed around the pool by Michael, and then back to Ashton who had now left his chair and was talking to luke inside. A few minuets later Ashton returned and sat down he looked pretty mad but once he looked over at me his eyes seemed to soften ''Ellie go talk to luke please'' he told me ''yeah. Okay I will do now, thank you ash'' I smiled and stood up he stood up and hugged me and told me he'd look after Tommy till I figured something out but I had to go tell him.. Or something like that I just couldn't really concentrate I had so many thing running though my head. I walked towards the door and stepped inside and Luke's head shot up really fast his eyes filled with water I'm really worried now.

Luke's pov
Ellie walked towards me and my hands started to shake and she looked really worried, "E-E-Ellie I'm so sorry" I stuttered "what is it Luke" she said playing with her fingers ''I cheated Ellie and I'm sorry" I say looking down and when I look back up she has tears and tears streaming down her face, ''Ellie, I'm so so sorry baby, I love you I was drunk, I know it's a stupid explanation but I regret every moment of it'' I said now crying too ''Luke who was it?'' ''A-Alisha'' ''what happened?'' ''Well we umh, umh..'' I didn't know how to tell her ''LUKE'' she screamed her voice braking again ''I wanted to be your last remember you said we were each other's first and you said we'd be each others last'' she whispered and ran outside and sat near Ashton with her head in her hands. I've fucked up! I sit in the corner of the garden with my head on my knees,how
Could I have done this to her,she's 14 for goodness sake! I took something special of hers,something she can never get back even If I tried and I cheated on her.i sit there in silence as I see her hug Ashton. Michael swims to the edge of the pool and gets out,he begins walking over to me and sits down next to me "what happened Luke" he said with slight annoyance "i was drunk mike,I regret every bit of it,Alisha means nothing to me" I say a few tears falling from my eyes "but we all know you have history,Ellie is probably going to think you still love Alisha" his voice is stern and I can't handle it. I walk over to Ellie and she looks up at me with disgust "Ellie please let me explain" I say and she sniffles " there's nothing to explain Luke,I trusted you and gave you every part of me and you just threw that away" she says standing up and walking to the porch doors "I think you should go" she says quietly and puts her head down,we all nod and Michael hands Ellie,Tommy. I walk past her and through the door. Michael and Ash stop to hug her and she wraps her free arm around them,she fakes a smiles and sniffles once again "don't tell Rosie,I want to tell her" she wipes a tear from her cheeks and looks at me "good bye, Luke" we walk out of the front door and and Michael and Ash get in the minivan "I'm gonna walk" I tell them "clear my mind" they nod and drive off. I begin walking in the opposite direction not wanting to go through the town.

Ellie's p.o.v
I sit alone in my room as tommy and his parents left. I select all the pictures of me and Luke and I am about to delete them,before seeing a video and deciding against it. I click the video and it's Luke.

The video
"Well,um I have something to say,you're my sunshine Ellie and my air and my heart and everything I need to survive! And I can not describe how much I love you" he breaks into tears "and I just want to tell you all this before I tell you something else,but I'll tell you that in person,anyway, even if you don't love me anymore after what I tell you in person I'll still love you" he smiles softly and begins again "Ellie please just promise me you will never forget all of our memories,the good and the bad,I hope you can forgive me,even though I can't forgive myself. I love you Ellie,so very very much!..I'm sorry Ellie I really am from the tips of my toes to the blonde hairs on top of my head. I will make it up to you.... I promise you will be my forever and always" the video ends and I drop my phone breaking into more tears I fall on my knees with my head in my hands "I love you Luke" I say through sobs, everything he said was perfect but it was all probably lies,I can't love him........

Michaels p.o.v
We open the doors to the house and walk in to the living room to see Rosie and Calum asleep on the floor with blankets. I tap Calum and he wakes up,slowly moving making sure not to wake Rosie "hey" he whispers and I smile at him "how did the whole thing with Luke and Ellie go?" He asks us wit concern "Ellie is really upset and Luke I think just regrets it,he just had to get it off his chest though"I say and Ashton finishes off "he walked home to clear his mind up" Calum nods and stands up causing Rosie to stir a bit "shh princess" he strokes her wrist and stands up again "what's the whole stroking her wrist thing,I see you doing it a lot" he looks at her and then back to us "helps her sleep" he smiles and so does Ashton " were glad you're good to her mate" Ashton tells him and pats Calum's back,Calum just smiles at her in admiration "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Calum says and walks out of the room and up the stairs to the bathroom.

Luke's p.o.v
I get to the end of the last field and cross the road. Slowly I walk down the gritty path to our house,kicking a few pebbles as I carefully watch the ground,I stick my hands in my pockets and lift my head for a few second before letting it drop again. "She sleeps alone my heart wants to come home,I wish I was I wish I was beside you" I quietly sing to my self before getting to my front door. I hesitate a little but open the door "Luke mate you okay?" I'm greeted by Calum as he runs down the stairs and puts his hand on my arm. I pull him in for a hug because I really need one right now,he hugs back and after a minute or so I pull back I slightly smile "not really,I just want to be alone" I tell him in the nicest way possible,he just nods and gives me a quick smile. I hear footsteps and Rosie walks up to me "Luke what's wrong?" She says as she sees that my eyes are red and puffy "nothing,it's all good" I smile at her and she hugs me "I'm glad my favourite brother is okay" she smiles and pulls back,I return the smile and make my way up to my room,making the excuse of being tired. I'll get some sleep and see what comes tomorrow. I change and get into my bed,not long after when I am half asleep,I feel the bed dip and see Rosie get in next to me "night Lukey" she says and puts her back to mine,I smile slightly "night" I whisper and slowly fall asleep...

THANKYOU SO MUCH ELLIE PRINCESS!! She came up with the plot to this chapter and wrote the first few paragraphs and I finished it off,she's such a good writer and you should read her book 'Hemmings secret' her user name is 'EllieHemmings12' and we're going to see 5sos together in 314 days 💕💕

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Rosie xoxox

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