Chapter 22

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Rosie's pov
I nearly jumped out of bed really fast to call Ollie and then I realised he was cuddling me already... I checked my phone and I had a text
*From CalPal💕:
Hey Rosie, please don't let anyone find out about what happened when we fell out😭 I just... I just never know how to tell you😔 meet me In Starbucks in about a hour alone?*

What does Calum want to tell me? Should I talk to Ellie about this? But would she tell Luke? Questions kept coming... So I got out of bed to shower
Calum's pov
Starbucks in a hour oh god Calum!!
*From Rosie💕: yeah that's fine I haven't been to Starbucks for ages!! Should I be worried? Ily 💕* I must've stared at the same text for about 2-3 minutes until Ellie&Luke came in and interrupted me...

"1 hour later"
Rosie's p.o.v
I get to the doors of Starbucks and walk in I order and pay. I look around and see Calum I smile and begin to walk over to him,he sees me and smiles. He nods indecating he wants me to sit down "Rosie!" He says with a chuckle "Calpal!" I mimick him.
"Now listen Rosie" he begins "I know I've said it before but I really love you and I'd just like a chance to show you i can love you better than him,i would never hurt you or Cheat on you an-" I cut him off "Calum he cheated once and you know he regrets it" I say really wishing he hadn't brought it up. "Once?" He questioned "you mean he didn't tell you about the other week when I caught him?and do you not see him over there holding hands with another girl" what was Calum talking about? He pointed out the window and I knew what he was talking about,there ollie was kissing a girl. Were in Amsterdam and he does this? "Calum" I say the tears stream down my face and all I want is a hug from Calum. "Hold on" he said "what are you doing?" I asked him. He got out his phone and took a picture he sent me the picture over IMessage and it was ollie kissing the other girl and you could tell it was him so he could not deny it. "Come on let's go home baby girl"

Calum's p.o.v
"Come on let's go home baby girl" I told her and picked her up we weren't far from the hotel when she fell asleep.i really do wish he would stop hurting her,I could love her better.

The next day

Ollies p.o.v
These Amsterdam girls are great! They really know how to kiss!and do other things.just then Rosie walks in and interrupts my thoughts "hey baby" I say "hey baby,I have some great news" she replies with a tint of annoyance and sarcasm In her "i saw the most amazing thing yesterday,but instead of telling you I'll show you the picture,i was in Starbucks at the time" I began to become worried,because that's where I was with Angela. She showed me the picture and carried on "now I won't tell the boys you cheated on me again,because they'd probably kill you and I want you to see how happy I am without you!were over ollie!" She screams the end bit with tears streaming down her face and loud violent sobs escaping her lips. "Rosie" I try "get out ollie!" She shouts and I just sit down. She calms down a bit. "Ollie we will just tell the boys we were arguing too much,and That we just weren't working out!and don't expect another chance I'm not going to let you hurt me again"and with that she walked out of the room leaving me to think about what just happened.


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