Chatper 16

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------ 1 year later---------
Rosie's p.o.v
"She looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear" I began to sing along as I heard my daddy's song on the TV "and I know now that I'm so down your lipstick stain is a work of art" I sang at the top of my voice "SHUT UP" I hear ash shout from the kitchen and he giggled at the end. My boys have become very famous this past year with a couple music videos in the charts. I'm still with ollie and we are happy as ever,yes I'm only 13 and we shouldn't be getting serious but it's not like it's real love!i mean come phone buzzed and it was from Ellie her and Luke were still strong and I hope they last.

Hey bæ! I have no idea what to get Luke for our 1year anniversary?!?!!?and guess what it is tomorrow💕xxx

Hey bæ!Maybe he'd like some new clothes?hes been complaining he has nothing and maybe something special but not too expensive💕OMG IK IT IS OUR 1 YEAR FRIENDAVERSARY BBBZZZ TOMOZ LOVE YOU!zxxxx

I sent back to her an put my phone in my meeting ollie at 3 and it is 2 now so I get a shower and dry and straighten my hair.i put on dark skinny jeans and roll the bottoms up with a cream floaty top that has a triangular shaped bottom I slip on my puma suedes and it is 2:45pm.

Luke's p.o.v
"Guys what do we tell her?" I ask a couple tears falling down my face "I don't know it's a hard thing to hear"cal said "I seriously don't want to do this"ash says tears also slipping down his face "I can't let my little girl go"mikey adds putting his head in his hands to hide his emotion. At that moment Rosie comes skipping happily down the stairs "darling can we talk to you a minute?" I shout from the kitchen "sure paps" she replies with a cheerful tone she came in and sat down at a stool "baby girl,you know we love you..."Mikey trails off "and you know we've become really famous.."I add "I'm sorry to say this pup"calum says hardly being able to talk "what?what is it tell me!" Rosie says not Being able to hold back tears "you have to go back to the care home"ash says and Rosie collapses to her knees "baby girl come on now don't cry" I try to comfort her "leave me alone" she screams,she gets up and runs to her room

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