Chapter 40

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Calum's p.o.v
After what seems like forever sat in the waiting room a short lady with long brown hair walks up to me and coughs "um you're Rosie's..." She asks unsure of what to say "I'm her um guardian" I tell her and she nods "well she seems okay,she was just dehydrated, just make sure she drinks loads of water and eats a normal healthy diet" she smiles and I nod at her "so can she come home today?" I ask hopefully "yes she can but she hit her head pretty bad so she just needs to take these,3 times a day for 7 days" she smiles again and hands me the pain killers. I walk into Rosie's hospital room and see her sat I the side of the bed "hey princess,how you feeling?" I ask her quietly "Im okay I guess,my head just hurts,and I'm a little thirst" she smiles and I hand her my bottle of water "it's a bit warm but it will be okay" she nods and takes a drink of the water "Thankyou" I sit down next to her and put my arm around her "Ellie came to see you but you were asleep,she's gonna come round to our another day when you're feeling better" I tell her and she takes another sip of the water "that's nice" she puts her head down and I kiss her just on the corner of her lips she blushes and I kiss her again , making sure to get more of her lips in this time. I do it again and again until I am kissing her lips with her on my lap .

Rosie's p.o.v
I sit on Calum's lap as he kisses me and I tangles my fingers in his hair pulling myself closer to him "uhm" I hear from the doorway I quickly get off Calum's Lap and neaten my skirt "the doctor said you can go now the nurse said and I blushed "we'll carry that on at home" Calum says to me as he touches my butt and winks. I blush even more and put my head down "oh my god Calum shut up" I say to him as he laughs and so does the nurse. We walk out of the hospital room and I see Mikey,Luke and ash sat on chairs. I run to Mikey first and hug him "dad" I scream as he picks me up and hugs me "you okay darling?" He smiles and puts me down "yeah my head hurts a little though" next I hug Luke and Ashton. The car ride home felt like forever,i put my head on the window and closed my eyes trying to get to sleep. "Rosie wake up" I hear Luke say and he shakes me "sorry" I say and smile,we get out of the car and when we get into the house I take my medicine and get my night clothes on.

Calum's p.o.v
I go upstairs with Rosie and she gets her night clothes on,and I mean she looks 'hella fine in those shorts. "Like what you see?" She asks me laughing "erm I,yeah I do" I say and wink she blushes and giggles "so,are we gonna finish off what we started or are you gonna leave me hanging?" I ask and wink once again. She laughs and hugs me "well,I dunno I'm pretty tired" she says in mocking tone,she laughs and I pick her up. Attaching my lips to hers as they move in perfect sync,I could spend the rest of my life this way.
Yeah so I hate this chapter.
Smh my friend,smh😩😩

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