Chapter 35

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Ellie's p.o.v
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing,I look at the caller I.D and answer it
*Hey Ellie*
*Hey Rosie what's up*
*i wanted to know if you wanted to come over to mine,Shannon is really upset about Niall leaving*
*you two could come to mine,I'm home alone*
*okay Ellie we will be there in 10*
The phone call ends and I go to have a shower and brush my hair. When I'm done I dry my hair and put it in a messy bun. I then pick out my 5sos hoodie and some hipster shorts with my fluffly socks.
*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* someone knocks on the door and I expect it to be Rosie and Shannon,but it's not, it's my ex boyfriend Jack....
"What do you want?" I say in disgust to the awful boy in front of me
"You Ellie,I want you" he replies while putting a hand on the side of my face
"Well you CANT have me, 1.i hate you and taken" I spit at him
"Who's this lad you're with then?" He gets closer and grabs my wrist I'm about to talk when Rosie and Shannon walk in. Their expressions are scared and shocked "l-Luke!!!" Rosie shouts outside to the car,Luke comes racing in "what's going on here" he shouts and Jack "so this is your fancy man eh?" He says slyly while smirking "you're hurting me"I I cry while trying to ignore the pain in my wrist "get off her" Luke shouts while grabbing jacks collar and going close to his face "listen 'pal' if you ever come near Ellie again you will know about it" Luke spits and let's him go,Shannon sits me on the bottom step while Rosie and Luke push him out the door and Lock it. "Ellie when will your mum and dad be back home?" Rosie asks me with concern "they're not back until late tomorrow "well I'll stay with you until then and tell your parents about what happened" Luke says to me,he's still angry and I can tell because he's clenching his fists and his jaw has gone tight. "B-but they don't know about us" I stutter "well they don't have to know for now,but you'll have to tell them sooner or later" he slightly smiled and hugs me "now let's have a look at your wrist" he lifts up my sleeve and slowly runs his finger across the giant bruise that's starting to form on my wrist. "This looks painful,is it okay?" Shannon asks me "it stings quite a lot" I say and Rosie goes to the kitchen and comes back a few seconds later with paracetamol and a glass of water,she hands me then and I smile in appreciation "we will leave you two alone,I'm sure you don't want to be around lots of people right now,you're still in shock" Shannon says and slightly smiles "but were meant to be cheering you
up" I reply feeling guilty "my problems don't matter after what's happened to you,I'll be fine all I'm worried about Is you" she smiles and I give her one back "I love you guys" I say and they all reply with 'love you too's'. Luke picks me up and takes me to bed "I'll get Mikey to pick us up" Rosie shouts to Luke and he replies with and okay. About 10 minutes later I hear them leave. "You get some rest princess" Luke whispers into my ear "don't leave...please"I say to him,still scared "I won't princess I promise" I cuddle into his chest and let sleep take over me.
I'm sorry that my chapters are short but I'm on my phone so they seem much longer to me than they do to takes me about 60minutes to write a chapter and about 2hours to plan a chapter,
And if I edit it that's another 90minutes so a lot of time goes into these and that's why they're not longer.👍👍hope you understand💕mucho love
Rosie xoxo
318 days until my 5sos concert:D

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