Drowning 6/8/18

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I sit upon a hill
Gazing at the swamp below
So beautiful
Until you enter

You enter slowly
Suffocating smells
Eerie sounds
Rising scales
A sign of what to come
You walk through
You never look back
You forget about it
You escaped

She pushes me
I scream in fear
Alerting the alligator below
I try and try to grip the grass
She keeps pushing
Never stopping
Until I fall in
She stands by
It's all my fault

I can't swim
I cry
I flail
She watches
She mocks
The alligator approaches
She wants me to get out
But she won't save me
She never will

The gator attacks
Grabs me
Bites me
Goes for the kill
She stops it
She doesn't want me to die
But I'm still drowning
Blood pouring out of me
I sink lower

Water fills my lungs
Blood leaves my body
No one will kill me
I am just left to drown

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