Heart of Ice 6/30/14

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A lot of people hate Winter
Hate the snow
Hate the low temperature
Hate the wind
But I love it

I live for the cold

My heart is frozen
Too cold for most
So they just pretend
I don't have one
But I do

And it's made of ice

You can be cold to me
My heart will just get stronger
When you are warm
You're showing that you care
But my heart melts

So I avoid the warmth

So I become harsh
Show no love for romance
No compassion
No pain
But I still feel it

My heart still weakens

Sometimes it drips
Sometimes it's too cold
And it hurts to touch
It pushes people away
But it protects me

This means it won't break

One day someone will take it
Hold it with care
Warm it with love
Melt it in the best way possible
But I'll become weak

My heart will be too difficult

Then it will slip
Ever so slowly
To the ground
And melt faster

Leaving only a puddle of tears  

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