It's Been A Week... 5/1/18

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It's been a week
Since my silence failed me
Since it all came crashing
Into a downward spiral

A lack of denial
Only means suspicion
Suspicion leads to questions
And i don't lie

I should've lied
Kept it all to myself
Pretended it was a crazy thought
Pretend I was comfortable

But I was stupid
I was naive
I told the truth
There was no going back

The anger
The frustration
It was unexpected
It hurt

I should've told you sooner
Or never at all
I could only apologize
I had already hurt you

Then you hurt me
Confirmed my worst fear
My world stopped
With one call

Hours of playing pretend
Amongst other distractions
It was killing me
It was killing us

We talked
We avoided
We admitted
We could hurt each other

One secret could destroy us
Tear us apart
Change everything
And break our hearts

The secrets were killing us
We broke down
Our pinkies shook like our bodies
I opened my mouth

I told you I was in love
That you held my heart
That you broke my heart
That everyone was right

You told me you felt a hate
For an uncontrollable mistake
That made you afraid
That pushed you away

We've hidden for months
Painful truths inside us
That almost divided us
A necessary pain

Just hold tight, my love.
We'll be alright, my love.
Try to sleep at night, my love,
It's only been a week.

A Dark Rose Blooms (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now