2014- An unforgettable year

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A lot happened in my life in 2014. A lot of bad shit happened in my life. If I can properly recount it. I was terrified of failing chemistry, my teacher would budge on office hours to retake exams even though I had physical therapy. I got heart shattered over the course of my spring break. My grandmother retired early which hurt my family's finances. I slowly formed a strained relationship with my family. I couldn't save my grades because I was forced to miss my finals due to a surgery. A surgery to remove a tumor...that gave me an infection for the entirety of my summer. I tried to let my hair go natural...that destroyed my hair further. To top it all off my cousin was murdered by some cops not too long after I started school. At the time... it was easily the worst year of my life. It ended up being the beginning of a downward spiral in my life. 

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