Lonely Thoughts 4/29/14

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Everyone has an imagination
Everyone has had invisible friends
Everyone dreams of invisible lands
Everyone dreams of unreachable plans

Whether it was
Or something in between

I thought I was normal
And my sister was a queen
She was never alone
Like the smaller me

I didn't see it
I had my dolls
I had my dog
I had imagination

I felt fine
I was happy
I was alone
But never lonely

But one day
I'd had it
I was sick of people leaving
Seemed like they were fleeing

Fleeing from me
What did I do?
Why did they move?
Why did I want to cry?

I had discovered a new feeling
A void I couldn't fill
A pain I couldn't heal
A want for someone real

It took years
Years of guessing
Years of thinking
Years of wondering

All that time
I thought I could fix it
That I could stop the feeling
That time was the answer

But I was wrong
Deep down I knew it
I knew it all along
Despite it never crossing my mind

I never saw it
I never said it
I never thought it
But I was lonely

They haven't left me yet
I don't know where to hide
They surround me every day
The lonely thoughts inside  

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