All My Fault 3/18/14

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I'm sorry I don't understand
I don't know how this works
You see me struggle
But never help

At least not how I need it
So I guess you can blame me
No matter how hard I study
if I do bad

It's all my fault
All my fault

You're jealous
You're insecure
You're doubting yourself
Your future

All because I'm doing "better"
Because I'm on a higher level
No matter how much I work
How much I stress

Therefore, it's my fault
All my fault

I'm two minutes late
I rush
I try to be the flash
We're still late

You got distracted
You obsessed
Over unimportant things
I was ready

But alas, still my fault
All my fault

Like it always is
I'm too smart
I'm too much of a loner
I'm too determined

I'm too satisfied
I'm too focused
I'm too independent
I'm too... me

That's why it will always be
All... my... fault...  

A Dark Rose Blooms (poetry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora