What Happened? 7/21/15

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I was the girl who cried
Whenever my dad yelled
Now I wanna yell
Every time he talks

I was the girl who cried
Whenever my mom went out
Now I wanna hide
Every time she's here

I was the girl who begged
Whenever my sister had friends around
Begged them to play with me
Begged for company

Now I want them to leave
Leave me alone
Give me peace

I was a child of joy
A ball of laughter
A beacon of hope
A mind of dreams

I thought I still was
I believe I still am
But I can't pretend
I can't pretend that's all I am

No one gets it
That girl I was
The girl I am
They can both exist

I didn't kill her
I'm not depressed
I'm not angry
I'm just me

I like being alone
I like doing what I do
I like my few friends
I like who I've become

But no one else does
Everyone wants the old me
And only the old me
To trap me inside her

What happened to growth
What happened to expression
What happened to independence
That was the goal

What happened to acceptance
Acceptance of who I am
Of who I want to be
What happened  

A Dark Rose Blooms (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now