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From Chapter 38:
I started to scream but my cry for help was stifled when a rag was put over my mouth and slowly I began lose consciousness. The last thing I saw before I knocked out was a person with blonde hair.

Chapter 39:

When I woke up my head was throbbing, my throat was as dry as a desert and I could barely open my eyes.
I tried to move but I couldn't because my arms were pinned over my head and secured there. The position I was in was uncomfortable and it scared me that I was so vulnerable.

I yanked on my restraints hoping that it was bonded lightly but leather just dug into my wrist the more I wiggled around. I doubt that I was strong enough to break leather.

Wait, what the hell is wrong with me?
I should be thinking about how the hell I got tied up in the first place. I don't know where I am either.

Last thing I remember was being sent to that creepy ware house, I tried leaving and now I wake up here.
The sound of footsteps interrupted my mental war. The closer they got the more my heart rate accelerated. I didn't realize until now that I was kidnapped.
But who the hell would want me? And why?

It's not like I'm Beyoncé or Lady Gaga, so what's the big deal?

Suddenly the door swung open and I was blinded by light. I squinted through the brightness and saw a tall dark figure. The light gave the person a halo an angel. The only difference was that angels didn't kidnap teenagers.

The person just stood there as if they were examining me. As my eyes adjusted to the bright light I saw a second figure approach the door. I could make out the silhouette of a pair of heels.

My legs weren't tied up so I was able to back myself away from the door as far as possible.

I was scared to meet my captors but I was also curious. I heard the quiet whispers of the two people in front of me. Slowly I my eyes were able to see and I saw Hannah and some guy I recognized from school but I couldn't name him. Why the hell would the want me?

Maybe they came to rescue me, I thought.

I saw chains in the guys's hands. Well, isn't this just awesome. Two psychos holding me captive. Ok, now I'm done waiting for them to explain themselves.

"Let me go!" I yelled at them.

They turned their heads and glared at me as if I was interrupting an important moment. Hannah started walking to me her heels making an annoying click-clack noise against the hard wooden floor.

She lowered her face so that it was leveled with mine and said in a barely audible voice, "Look who we have here it's my favorite rat. Listen, you're going to be here for some time so if I was you I would get comfortable."

"What do you want with me?! Why am I here and who the hell is-"

My face started burning where she slapped me. It was so quick that I barely had enough time to comprehend what happened. I tried to lift up my hand but Hannah caught my action and stepped on my hand.

"Sorry, Sophia but now you're going to play by my rules," she growled.

"How about we go over them. Rule number 1, Scream or yell for help and I'll send in my friend to punish you however he wants. Rule number 2, you won't talk back unless I ask for a response and Rule number 3, don't try escaping because there's no point."

She stepped harder on my hand, making me release a scream until something cracked. She finally lifted her foot and I tried moving the same hand but it fell limp. A tear slipped down my cheek and landed on my dry, cracked lips.

She laughed at my pain and walked towards the guy, whispering something in his ear before she exited with him.
I waited until I heard the footsteps leave and a door slam. I tried to conceal my pain in front of them but now that I was alone all I could is cry. Tears started streaking my face and I couldn't control them. I brought my knees close to my chest and buried my face in them. I cried so hard that I could barely breathe. When I couldn't cry no more I started hiccuping.

How the hell am I getting out of here?

*Megan's POV*

My mom and I had already eaten at 9:00. We waited for Sophia for 3 hours but she hadn't turned up. I left a few messages in her voicemail but I stopped calling when I realized she wasn't going to pick up.

My mom had been a bit upset about Sophia not stopping by but I lied and said that she couldn't make it since her boss was making her work later than usual. Honestly, I had no idea where Sophia was and it was worrying me that she wasn't picking up her phone.

Something isn't right.

I took out my phone and dialed Alex's number. He should know where she is.
He picked up after the second ring and answered in a confused tone.

"Megan what is it?"

"Is Sophia with you? She was supposed to be here three hours ago."

Maybe I was just being paranoid. I'm sure Sophia is fine.

"No, I thought she'd be with you by now."

"Well, she isn't and she isn't picking up her phone either. Try calling her," I said trying to keep my worried tone from showing.

I hung up and began to pace my room. Something definitely wasn't right. Feeling a bubbling sensation in my stomach, I sat down before I'd get sick.
There was a knock on my bedroom door and I turned to see my mother with a worried face mirroring mine.

"Is everything okay, Megan?"

I plastered a fake smile on my face and answered with a yes. I didn't want her stressing out over my own worries.
Waiting for Alex to call back was nerve wrecking so I turned on the Tv and watched my favorite show: Breaking bad. Last week I finally finished season 4 and I'm starting to get caught up.
After I finished two episodes, I was starting to fall asleep but the sound of my Justin Timberlake ringtone snapped me out of my sleepy state.

I yawned into the phone before answering, "Hello?"

"Megan its me, I-I can't," Alex stuttered.

"Alex, take a deep breath and calm down."

I heard him take a few shallow breaths. Something is obviously wrong.

"Now, calmly tell me what's wrong," I cajoled him.

"Sophia's missing."

I shouldn't have been so shocked when I heard those words but I was. I had a feeling something bad happened.


*Sophia's POV*

My hand was still hurting after what Hannah did to me. The pain was making me lose consciousness. Right now, I was having a hard time staying awake. If I stayed awake the pain would keep getting worse but if I fell asleep who knows what would happen to me.

Earlier, I tried screaming for help but then that guy who apparently works for Hannah came in. After hitting me, he gagged me and left the room.

I had been sitting here limp with the chains digging into my skin. I'm hungry and thirsty but I doubt it'll be a while until I actually get food.

I almost fell asleep when I heard hard footsteps on the squeaky wooden floors. Then, the door opened revealing the bitch that trapped me here in the first place.

She stood, with a smug smile, looking at me like I was the dirt beneath her heels. In her hands she had an open can of dog food. She walked over to me and placed the can right in front of me.
"Dinner is served," she said barely containing her laughter.

When I struggled against the chains, trying to move forward, she kicked me in the stomach making my back reconnect with the wall. Then, she left leaving the disgusting can of dog food for me to eat.

A few splinters dug in my back but the pain was nothing compared to the grief I was feeling.


So tell me what you think? Was this chapter worth the wait?

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