Feisty Girl

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Chapter 14:

All my classes before lunch flew by. Right now, I just wanted to see Crystal. I walked into the cafeteria and saw both Harvey and Crystal seated at our table. I walked over to the table but heard a few snickers on my way and strangely I felt angered by it instead of embarrassed.

I sat at the table and smiled shyly. It was quiet for a moment but I broke the silence.

"Crystal, I'm sorry I got you into this mess."

"No need to apologize, I'm your best friend and i'll do anything to protect you from people like Hannah and Victoria."

I smiled widely and gave both of my friends a hug. I'd die without both of them by my side.

"Ok, now let's get on line. I'm starving," Harvey said dramatically.

Me and Crystal laughed at this and we all headed on line and grabbed our trays. We were on our way to our table when a certain high-pitched voice stopped us in our tracks.

"Aw, look who it is the three dorks!"

There were a few chuckles from everyone. I turned to see who gave the smart remark and saw Hannah perched on top of Alex. Then that made me lose it. I set my tray on an nearby empty table and walked towards Hannah. On my way there, I snatched a carton of milk from some random person's tray.

 As I reached the Barbies table, I noticed that Hannah had a sly smile on her face but not for long. I stood next to her and opened up the carton of milk. As I approached her, she stood up awaiting her challenge.Then did something that no one would've expected from me: I poured the milk all over her hair and brand new looking clothes and hair.

I threw the empty carton at get face and then said loud enough for the whole cafeteria to hear,

"Kiss my fucking ass, you skank bitch! Stay away from me and friends!"

Everyone grew silent and looked at the soaked Hannah. It was my turn to smile.

"You dumb bitch!" She screamed.

She walked away with the whole barbie gang trailing behind her. Alex stared at me in awe. I gave him a small wink and walked back to my friends.

"Wow, girl I didn't think you had it in you!" Crystal beamed.

"Of course she had it in her she just needed a reason for the feisty version of her to come out," Harvey said.

I giggled and then flinched at the sound of the bell ringing.

"I guess I'm still not brave material," I  

said as I shrugged my shoulders.


The moment I entered the gym, I received scowls from the entire Barbie crew. I gave them my own bitch glare and then went back to minding my own buisness.

"Today we will all participate in a game of soccer. Just like yesterday the teams will be everyone with last names starting with A-M will be the blue team and N-Z will be the red team. Jenkins come over here."

I slowly walked up to the coach with all eyes on me.

"Yes, Coach?"

"So today you have the option of sitting out today or participating in the game. It's your choice."

"I'd rather play today."

"I knew you'd be choose that; go find you team and make me proud."

"Yes, coach."

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