Horror movies and Pillow fights

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Chapter 9:

After the movie, (which Crystal admitted it was lame) I invited Crystal to stay over at my place for a small slumber party. We arrived at my place at 9:00 a.m.

"I warned you that the movie was going to be lame," I told her.

"I guess the cover just looked fun. But now I know that cover is too perfect for that movie" Crystal admitted.

"Never judge a book by its cover" I taunted.

"Oh shut up Sophia" she giggled.

"We should've just watched the movie 'the call' but no we just had to see 'Spring Breakers' because it such an awesome movie," I said sarcastically.

She stuck out her tongue to me and I returned the gesture.

Crystal parked her car in front of my driveway and we headed for my door. Then we grabbed the numerous shopping bags that we had from the trunk. As I opened the door I realized that everyone had gone to sleep so we slowly crept upstairs to my bedroom. Each step I took creaked and I felt like was in a horror movie.

Instead of being that stupid blonde that everyone in the movie theatre yells at when the murder is close, I made a dash for my bedroom leaving Crystal behind. Crystal ran behind me and tripped. She nearly fell flat on her face but regained her composure.

Once we reached my room, we both burst out laughing.

"What was that?"

"What do you mean?" I said stupidly.

"I meant why'd you run?"

"I didn't want to be that stupid blonde girl from the horror movies," I replied causally.

She burst out laughing again and her laughter triggered mine. We stopped laughing after 10 minutes.

"So what do you want to do now" I asked.

She went to my bed and I instantly regretted asking her because she grabbed a pillow and hit me on the back of my head with it.

"Fine, but I can't guarantee your safety as soon as I grab that pillow."

She snickered and toss me a pillow. I jumped on the bed and hit her with pillow on top I her head. Then she jumped off the bed and hid under the bed.

"Crystal, come out come out wherever you are."

I looked under the bed and she wasn't there. What the-

"Looking for me?"

I don't know how but in a heartbeat Crystal was behind me. She hit me with the pillow and laughed so hard she fell to the ground. I used this moment to my advantage and hit Crystal with my pillow twice.

"I surrender!" She yelled.

I started laughing and joined in with me. 

Several moments later, I grabbed my laptop and Crystal and I laid on my bed judging girls in cliché music videos.

"I really like the background music but everything else is just the usual. The clothes of the back up dancers, the lyrics, and the scenery. It's like I'm having a déjà vu moment." I stated.

"It's true I feel like I'm listening to the same song just different faces and different names,"

"You took the words right out of my mouth,"

"Hey, you want to go make some popcorn?"


We creeped back down stair and put a bag of popcorn kernels inside the microwave. When it was done I put it in a bowl and made Crystal take it upstairs with 2 cans of sprite. I sneaked into living room, grabbed a DVD, and rushed back upstairs. Ever since I saw the paranormal movie series I've been paranoid of some unknown force in my house to come out of nowhere and drag me down to the basement.

When I entered my room the bowl of popcorn was on top of my dresser and Crystal was out of sight. I silently regretted letting Crystal come up alone. I know it sounds stupid that I'm worrying but what if something happened to her; what if-


Crystal jumped from out of the closet and I jumped like the huge scaredy cat I was. Then she started laughing hysterically and fell to the carpet.

"Ok, we get it and I admit it that I was scared. Now stop laughing it wasn't that funny," I conceded.

"Yeah, not from your point of view you should've seen your face!"

I grabbed the half-eaten bowl of popcorn and plopped on top of my bed.

"Whatever so are we gonna watch this movie or not?"

"Nah, we have school tomorrow, remember?"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. Come with me to drop off the popcorn and garbage."

"What you don't trust me enough to let me stay in the room?"

"Nope," I said popping the 'p'.

"You're a smart girl. I wouldn't trust my self either."

We went downstairs for like the 5th time this night, got rid of all the garbage in the room, and washed the dishes. We both went back upstairs and I pulled out the inflatable mattress that I bought a few months ago since I threw out the old couch in my room that had the pull out bed. I passed Crystal two pillows and a huge blanket.

I went to the the bathroom, changed into my pajamas, and brushed my pearly whites. When I came back into the room Crystal was already snoring so I just jumped into my bed and let sleep take over my mind.

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