Staying Incognito

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Chapter 16:

After that mind blowing kiss, my brain couldn't function. I actually didn't know how to feel. Should I be upset? I mean for all I know he could be leading me on. When I watch those silly little romance movies I always see heartbroken girls cry. I was determined not to be anything like them. I don't want to complicate my life any more than it already is and it's not going to happen.

"Hellooooo, earth-to-Sophia," Crystal said mockingly.

I gave my self a mental shake and reentered reality. Me and Crystal were at the school library. We weren't hungry and Harvey was absent so during lunch we decided to go to the library and talk a little. We received a few 'shhs' and angry glares from the librarian so we grabbed books from the book cart and headed to the back of the library.

"Yeah, what were you saying again?"

"I was saying I found out that a few girls were going to wear dresses to Angel's party so I think we should,too. Plus it's going to be a masquerade. It's going to be the most exciting party I've ever been,too"

"Are you serious? Do you know how much confidence that takes, especially for a girl like me?"

"May I point out that you had enough confidence to spill a carton of chocolate milk all over Hannah Moore's plastic head."

"I just had a small adrenaline rush plus she deserved it," I said defensively.

She snorted and said,"sure you did."

The librarian passed us and we literally pushed our noses into our books and pretended to be interested in whatever our books were about. When the librarian was a safe distance away from us we continued talking.

"So what do you think about Alex?" I asked out of the blue.

"Who Alex Dawson the football player?" Crystal said with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"No, Alex from the chess club." I said sarcastically.

She caught the sarcasm and stuck her tongue at me like the five year old she was.

"Umm....I don't know how to describe him. He's just...interesting. Why the sudden question?"

"No, reason" I said pretending to be nonchalant but I could tell Crystal wasn't buying it.

"Oh my gosh!"


"I know that look on your face!"

I groaned loudly.

"Oh gosh, Sophia you have a crush on Alex," Crystal squealed.

"Crystal, no I don't."

"You can't lie to me, you used to have that same look on your face when you had that major crush on Harvey."

"No, I don't have a crush on Alex just a simple infatuation. Plus, there's two things wrong he's the school's player and I'm just not his type."

"Oh please, his type of girl is one with big breasts, pretty face, and an ass and you have all of the above."

"What about the fact that he's the school's biggest player?"

"Maybe he'll change? I mean if I was a guy i'd definitely change just for you," Crystal said waggling her eyebrows.

"I appreciate the sort of compliment but I just can't see me and Alex as a real couple."

"Why not? You two would be the cutest couple I've ever seen."

"His world just moves too fast and burns too bright. Mine might be too boring for him and then he would just break my heart and find someone else. I'm not going to turn into one of those lovesick cliché girls. Why bother with the heartbreak; it's just not worth it."

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