What do I want?

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Wasn't the last chapter exciting?! I have to admit that I'm not that good at writing. I get writers block most of the time and it stresses me out to the point that I just want to delete the story entirely BUT after reading all the wonderful comments you guys left me about keeping the book I vow to finish this story to the end. The new cover was made by Gotta_Love_Glitter :). There's a picture of our beautiful characters and a song from Taylor Swift called 'Red'. Please comment/vote/promote my story! And Yay i finally hit more than 30,000 reads!

Enjoy ;) <3


Here's a recap from Chapter 30:

"Listen up, Sophia because I'll only say this once. Don't ever tell me go away because I can't even if I wanted to."

In a split second, his lips were on mine and my body froze. Alex Dawson, the school's most gorgeous player was kissing me.


Chapter 31:

The speed of my heart accelerated and my eyes had gone wide. Two things had surprised me at the moment. One, Alex Dawson was kissing me and two, I was enjoying it.

This kiss wasn't like the other times he kissed me this time it was slow and passionate. With every gesture he provided I felt sparks course through my veins and throughout my whole body. He kissed me harder and I gave in to his every touch. He then released my lips and began sucking on my neck, which had me moaning out in pure pleasure.

"God, that was so sexy," He said.

His eyes were glowing intensely with either lust or love. Which? I had no idea. God, this guy was so confusing.

"Alex, we have to go in. I-I'm going to miss class," I said ruining the moment.

"We both have lunch. I'm not that stupid."

"I got to go."

Before, I had a chance to retreat back into the school Alex pulled me towards him making me crash in his chest. I looked up at him, nervous about what he'd do next, and dared trying to get away from his impressive grip.

"Sophia, there's something I've wanted to ask you for awhile now...Will you be my girl?"

"You're girl?"

"Yeah, my girlfriend.So?"

"Uh, I-I just...you know..me and you...er," I stuttered.

This was not just any normal person asking me out. This was the big, bad Alex Dawson the school's well known womanizer. Should I say yes or no? I mean I've been thinking about him for some time now. Did he expect me to answer now?

"Stop that," he said.

"Stop what?"

"You bite you're lip when your thinking hard."

"Sorry...I um..."

"Sophia, you don't have to answer now. I was hoping you'd say yes but now my only concern is getting you out of this rain. Let's go," he said reaching his hand out to me.

I took his hand and I was surprised by it's radiating warmth. Together we waked back to school in a comfortable silence.

I tried to let go of his hand once we entered the cafeteria but Alex just held it tighter. Once everyone set eyes on us, I saw a bunch of jaws drop. All eyes were on Alex and I as we walked across the lunch room and to the exit. Alex strutted through the cafeteria effortlessly without being phased by all the people watching him. I felt like a nervous wreck with all the dirty looks I was getting from all the females. I squeeze Alex's hand tighter and he returned the favor.

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