A Day to Remeber

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Final Chapter:

I woke up hearing the the soft pitter patter of rain against the windowsill. One perk of losing my eyesight was that my hearing and my sense of smell improved.

I heard his footsteps and smelled his woodsy scent as he approached me. My hand quickly found his and I was enveloped in his warmth.

"Your mother told me to come get you," Alex said.

Honestly, I'm glad he wasn't weirded out and that he's still my boyfriend. Honestly, I expected him to never talk to me again and I'm still waiting for the day that he leaves but everyday he shows up. I keep thinking that one day he'll get sick of my helplessness but he assures me that he won't go anywhere.

We stood as we listened to a pastor speak from the bible. Crystal wasn't very religious but her mother is. Crystal would roll her eyes when her mom lectured her but she told me sometimes she was fascinated by Catholicism.

"We are here to pay our respects to the lovely Crystal Sanders. We would all have been less than honest if we say that her passing has touch all of our hearts. We come here today hoping that God would take away the grief and gives us strength to continue our lives without Crystal," the pastor recited. I heard the sound of Crystal's mother crying, I honestly felt bad that Crystal's mother was now alone. Crystal was all that she had and I have no idea how she'll get through that pain.

Moments later, it was time to bury her and it just saddened me that I couldn't tell what was going on. I'm also kind of relieved that I can't see my former friend being buried 6 feet under. Maybe if I didn't see it then it wouldn't be real.

In one hand I held a bouquet and in the other was Alex's warm hand. When it was my turn Alex guided me towards the grave sight to place my bouquet.

"We may not have left things on a good note but you'll always be in my heart," I whispered.

I woke up and in front of me Mrs. Montgomery was staring at me.

"Sophia, can you tell me about anything I've said during the last 30 minutes?"

I looked at her confused and when I was just about to tell her no the bell rang giving me time to make a hasty escape.

"I just woke up from the craziest dream! You were there and Alex and Hannah and I was blind. Then you and I weren't friends anymore because-" I stopped when I realized that she was gawking at me.

"Sophia, you need to get more sleep. This is the second time you've had this crazy dream. Trust me you're not going to go blind, Hannah isn't going to lock you up and burn you and most importantly we will always be friends."

"You're right. I can't even imagine a world where we're not friends."

"Uh, you kinda did," Crystal said with a smirk on her face.

"Shut up!" I said laughing.

We walked to Crystals's car and drove with Crystal rambling about some party.

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