Model Behaviour

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#1: I'm still having trouble updating on time but I'm trying my best. Maybe on July 17th I'll get all of my stuff fixed but I highly doubt it :/

#2: I've switched Harvey and Alex's pictures if you want to see what Alex looks like go to the chapter titled: What a jerk! and if you want to see Harvey go to the chapter titled: Still down to earth. 

#3: Please comment/share/vote/like this story. Or make banners for this story. (I accept those) 

Enjoy! <3

Chapter 29:

*Alex's POV*

'Your a good friend Alex...'

Those words repeated itself in my mind like a broken tape recorder since Sophia left. Didn't she feel something like I did? I haven't my emotions sorted out yet but I think that I want to be more than friends. I'm still feeling unsure about the friendship between us because: what if I ruin it? Will she easily forgive me? After all I did save her from being raped. Should I end the friendship before it even begun? So many questions were spiraling in my head and I needed a break. I never thought this much unless in my AP math classes (Math was my favorite subject; don't judge me).

My phone beeped and I was about to check the message but then I realized what if it was Hannah again. I'm sick and tired of that girl trying to convince me that 'we're meant for each other'. I didn't realize that girl was so obsessive and desperate until we broke it off. Ever since she's been trying to persuade me into getting back in a relationship with her. 

Yeah, right. Like I'll ever make that mistake again.

I reluctantly checked my phone and saw that it was once again from my mother's friend Savannah. The message read:

'I hope you're ready for today! It's going to be so exciting for you and your co-worker. Here's the address:

35244, 99 Birmingham road

On the 19th floor.

Please don't get lost. I expect to see you at 3:00 sharp! Wear something nice and be punctual.'

'I still don't want to do this Savannah,' I texted her back.

'Too bad. You promised.'

'That's not a big enough reason.'

'Trust me you'll want to do this when you see your partner. She's absolutely gorgeous.'

I threw the phone on the couch and sat down next to it. I didn't really want to go but she said the girl was gorgeous and I have to admit that did catch my attention. This girl and I are just going to pose for a magazine. How hard could it be?

 I went downstairs to get showered and dressed with a lot on my mind....

I took a towel from a cabinet and set my phone down on the sink.

As I was in the shower, my mind drifted off to la la land and I started thinking about the girl I was about to meet. Did I know her? Was she really beautiful as Savannah described her? Will she even show up for this? I knew plenty of girls that Savannah hired but they either weren't serious or they chickened out. I hope this girl didn't bail.

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