Chapter 23- Acceptance

Start from the beginning

Oh Jay, that curly bafoon. I hadn't even talked to him in ages. For obvious reasons, but still I have to admit, I missed our conversations. He just had this way of making people feel comfortable. And I missed that. But I needed to keep my mind on Max and what I was going to say, because this wasn't going to be easy.

I just hoped I wouldn't lose both of them in the process.


Once I got to Max's place, I had to keep myself from turning around multiple times. But he needed to know the truth and it was the least I could give him after all he'd given me.

With each step my feet felt heavier and heavier until I was finally at his door. I knocked three times before he acknowledged my presence.

"Who is it?" he yelled in his cute little Manchester accent.

"It would probably be wise to look through the peep hole Max." I joked, trying to lighten to mood.

He opened his door right away. "Oh but then I wouldn't be able to see a clear image of you, love." he kissed my cheek and ushered me inside.

"Do you want water or anything?" he began walking toward the kitchen.

"Uh no I'm fine. I just really wanna talk to you about something important." I responded timidly. I stared at my hands and noticed my chipped, black nail polish.

"Oh alright, go on." he sounded surprised and walked toward his couch, clearly expecting me to follow him.

I sat down carefully and turned so that I was facing him directly.

"Before I say anything, I just want you to know that you're an amazing friend and I'm glad to be able to even call you a friend." I twiddled my thumbs, I could feel my palms start to sweat.

"Um thanks, what's all this about though? Have I done something wrong?"

"No not at all. In fact, the complete opposite. You've really been there for me a lot lately and I can't even tell you how much I appreciate that. But if we're being honest here, you and I both know this is a bit more than friendship." I said carefully, praying he wouldn't react terribly.

"Well yeah I'd say that'd kinda obvious. I don't kiss all my friends you know." he laughed.

I let out a small laugh and continued with my sentence. " I'm not going to lie, I've enjoyed it. Not just the whole kissing thing but our relationship with each other in general. You're such an awesome person and I know that you'll make an excellent boyfriend. But, just not for me."

His smile had disappeared and was replaced with a slightly clenched jaw and what appeared to be watery eyes. I pleaded with the gods that may be that I wouldn't have to see him cry.

I reached for his hand and scooted closer to him.

"I'm really sorry. I truly am, I didn't want this to happen. Especially not when you've been nothing but kind to me. Max I rea-"

"I know. It's okay Sally, really. Honestly, I saw this coming. I knew things were going too well, this is what always happens with me." he grabbed my hands and ran his thumb over them.

My cheek became wet and I decided to try and talk now before my crying ruined my voice.

"But you need to know why. You deserve that much. You're one of the funniest, nicest and coolest people I've ever met and I know that one day you're gonna make some lucky girl very happy. I know this is so cliché but it's the truth, it's not's me. I like someone else very much and it's not fair to you or me to pretend I don't like this person." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I know who you're talking about. I've always known. You don't have to hide it or anything. You obviously love Jay. I had just hoped I'd be enough for you. But you two belong together and I can't keep you apart any more. But I want you to know that well, I... I love you and I think I always will. So no matter what happens, I'll be here for you. Always." he finished and rested his head on top of mine.

Wow. I knew he liked me, but I had no idea just how much.

"I'm not even sure what to say, because I know I can't say anything to fix this. And I'm really sorry about that." I replied softly.

"You've already fixed me. Now it's your turn to fix him."

We stayed like that for a while before I decided I should leave. I could tell that he needed some time and I respected that. After all, he had just confessed his love for me and I didn't feel the same way.

Even though I still felt bad that I couldn't give him what he wanted, I was content with knowing that he wasn't angry with me and that he would continue to be part of my support system.

Because that was a pretty big job and I'm glad he was part of it.

And with that knowledge, I could finally tell Jay everything I'd always wanted to.


Hi !!

This chapter actually made me emotional while I wrote it but I hope you guys like it even though it's short and kind of a filler (:

I recently went back and read the first few chapters and I realized my story had veered from what I intended it to be but I think I know what to do now.

Either way I hope you all like it and if you don't that's cool too.

Thank you so so so much for getting this story to 900 reads, I'm truly shocked. Your reads mean the world to me.

Hopefully I'll be able to update soon cause I know I'm kinda dragging this on. But it'll all work out I promise!

ily all


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